Brotherly Love

By Jo and Carol

Phone ringing at three am.

"God, I hope I got the right number," a female voice said into the phone as soon as she heard someone mumble. "Is this Jackson McCullum?" she asked

"Speaking," Jack replied; his voice showed how deeply he'd been asleep.

"Hi. (pause) Oh, God, this is so hard (sniffing). This is DJ. (pause, sniffing). Ummm, Shane and Sharon have been in an accident (sniffing); she didn't make it; Shane is on his way to surgery. (Deep breathe, more sniffing) They're not sure if he's going to make it." DJ took a deep breath, not really giving Jack time to ask questions. "They really need Jay here," DJ told him.

Jack sat up with a bang. He looked over at his Brat, who hadn't stirred when the phone rang. "We'll be there as soon as we can," Jack said. "Which hospital is he at?" Jack noted down the name, and hung up the phone. He took a deep breath and gently shook Jay awake.

Jay rolled away from Jack, as he pulled the sheet over his head. "Five more," Jay mumbled. After another shake, Jay rolled back, opening one sleeping eye as he stared at his lover. "What's wrong?" Jay asked when he saw the look on Jack's face.

"Shane and Sharon have been in a bad accident," Jack replied. "That was DJ on the phone; we should set out now and get there as quickly as we can." Jack threw back the blankets, and quickly began to dress.

Jay bounded out of bed, almost falling on his face when the sheet tangled around his feet. "Is Shane alright?" Jay asked, as he grabbed the jeans Jack tossed him. "What hospital is he in? Were Sarah and the boys with him? Jay asked questions faster then Jack could answer. "What the hell was he doing out this late at night?" Jay yelled, out of frustration. "Jack," Jay stopped in the middle of getting dressed, taking a deep breath. "Are they alright?" he asked quickly, wiping the tears from his eyes, trying to stop his quivering lip as he stood with his t-shirt half on and half off.

"They're taking Shane into surgery," Jack answered. "DJ said he's pretty badly hurt, and its touch and go." Jack closed his eyes briefly, and prayed for guidance. "Sharon was too badly hurt; she passed away at the scene."

Jay's eyes went big; he blinked a couple of times, and swallowed hard "Then we need to get," Jay said, as he slipped on his shirt the rest of the way. Grabbing his jacket, Jay turned to look at Jack. "I'll put my boots on when we get there," he said, as he picked up them up. "Do you want me to drive?" he asked, as he opened the door, so they could leave. Hell, he and Jack had only been asleep for a few hours before the call. Jack worked all day, while he'd been napping that afternoon, and goofing off the rest of it. "I mean, if you're tired and all," Jay told Jack, as he watched Jack lock up the loft.

"I'm not tired," Jack replied, softly. "You get into the passenger side." Jack was aware Jay was holding onto his emotions, and there was no way he'd trust his young lover to drive when he was emotionally unstable.

Jay got in and buckled up. He knew Jack always warmed up the engine before taking off; usually it didn't bother him; this morning it frustrated him. Once on the road, Jay knew the trip was going to be a long one. He kept shifting from hip to hip. Glancing over at the speedometer, he let out a sigh. "Damn-it, Jack. Can't this thing go any faster?" Jay yelled, as he punched the dash with his fist.

"Yes, it can go faster," Jack replied calmly. "It isn't safe to go any faster, and we'd lose a lot more time if I got pulled over for speeding. Calm down, sweetheart; I know you feel powerless, but when we get there, you'll need to be alert enough to cope. Try to sleep now."

"Sleep! Are you nuts, and there's not a cop for miles?" Jay yelled, as he stomped both feet on the floorboard and slammed his back into the seat. "What the hell was he doing out with her?" Jay was still yelling.

Jack stopped the truck. "Throwing a temper tantrum will not get you anywhere, except over my knee," he warned sternly. "I know you're upset and worried, so I'll cut you some slack; but one warning is all you get."

Jay about freaked when the truck suddenly came to a stop in the road. His heart thumped hard in his chest; he thought for sure he was going to get it. He didn't say anything; just balled up his jacket, and rested it and his head against the passenger's window. Letting out the breath he was holding, he closed his eyes. "I can't lose them both," Jay mumbled, as a tear slid down his cheek.

Jack undid his seat belt, and unbelted Jay, and pulled him into his strong arms. "Cry it out, baby," he suggested gently. "Just remember, I'm always here for you."

Jay jumped, and reached for the door handle when he felt his seatbelt being undone. He thought for sure Jack had changed his mind, and his ass was toast. "I'm sorry," Jay cried into his lover's shoulder. After a few minutes, Jay pulled back. "We need to get; I'm fine now." Jay took a deep breath and said, "As long as you are here, I'm fine," Jay told him. Giving him a kiss then he laid his head on Jack's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Jack's arm, and held it tight.

Jack waited until he heard Jay's breathing evening out, indicating his Brat was asleep. He gently moved him back to his seat, and refastened the seatbelt. Before he started driving again, he put a blanket over his sleeping Brat; Jay slept almost all the way.

"Damn-it" Jay yelled, as he jumped and banged his head on the window. Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, he glanced at the screen. "He's out of surgery, in ICU room 2; check in at nurse's station. Sis," Jay read aloud, while he rubbed the spot on his head. "How close are we?" Jay asked, as he got ready to send a text back to his sister-in-law. "Jack, I got to go," Jay told him, wiggling in the seat.

"We're about 5 minutes away. Jack replied his voice tired. "I'll let you out at the front, and then find a park. I'm sure you can find a toilet easily enough." Half an hour later, the two men stood outside the ICU.

After checking in at the nurse's station they waited for Sarah or someone to come out. When the doors opened, a very tired Sarah came out. "Jay," Sarah yelled, and grabbed him. Jay led Sarah over to the chairs and listened to what she had to say. "He's got a busted arm, a few stitches, and a tear in his liver, but other than that, they said he's going to be alright. Jay was thanking a Man he'd stopped believing in a long time ago, when he heard his brother was going to be alright. The ICU was just a stop over, because of the liver. "I'm sorry about your mom, Jay, but the other car hit the passenger side; she didn't know what happened," Sarah told him.

"Where were they coming from?" Jay asked.

Sarah looked over at Jack for help, as she took Jay's hands into hers. Jack could see she really didn't want to answer that question. She swallowed. "A bar," Sarah told him.

Before Jack could stop his Brat, Jay was on his feet. "That bitch!" Jay yelled out, and punched the wall beside him.

"That was a wee bit stupid," Jack said calmly, forcing Jay to sit down, and gently manipulating his Brat's hand. "You're lucky nothing is broken," he said, "although the bruises might be spectacular. " He fixed his Brat with a glare. "No matter how upset you are, this is not the place to display your temper."

Jay glanced up at Jack with narrowed eyes. "She's used to my outbursts," Jay stated.

"Guys, Shane will be asleep for a while; let's go home and get something to eat, and some sleep," Sarah said, as she got up. "You can put ice on that," she said, jabbing a finger into Jay's chest.

Once home, Sarah gave Jay a bag of frozen veggies for his hand; then made a quick lunch of sandwiches. After lunch, she showed the guys to the little guest room out back. "It was supposed to be a surprise for Sharon. Not sure if you smoke still or you Jack, but please not in here, "Sarah said, as they entered the room. Jay looked around; it was one big room - a kitchenette and bathroom. "Thanks, Sis, and we don't," Jay told her. As she left, he went over and sat on the neatly made bed. "Hey, it's my old bed," Jay said aloud, as his hand swept over the name `Jason' that was carved into the old cherry wood head board. "Love, you need to lie down, before you fall down," Jay said, as he let out a yawn.

Jack stretched out on the bed and held out his arm for his lover. "It's a long time since I slept in a single bed, or is it a small double?" Jack asked his eyes heavy. "I'm sorry, lover; I need to crash," he murmured, and before he knew it he was asleep.

"No, it's a full," Jay said, as he lay down beside his very tired lover. With one arm across Jack's chest, Jay laid his head lower to snuggle as close to him as possible. He waited until he heard heavy breathing; then slipped the truck keys out of Jack's pocket. Jay headed to the hospital to sit beside his brother's bed. He jumped a foot when a hand landed on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw his dad standing behind him.

"Uncle Jack, mom needs you," a little voice said, as he shook Jack by the foot.

"Well, hi young Benji," Jack said, with a smile for Jay's young nephew. "I'll be right there, after I've used the toilet." Afterward, Benji escorted Jack to Sarah. "You needed me?" Jack inquired. "Where's Jay?" He looked out the front window. "Strike that; where's Jay gone to with my truck? As if I can't guess," he growled under his breath.

"Benji, go see Mrs. Edwards," Sarah told her son. Once the boy was gone, Sarah grabbed her jacket as she turned Jack toward the door. "I just got a call from the ER; Jay's being treated. It seems he got into a small fight, with who I don't know" Sarah told him, as they made their way to her car.

When they got to the hospital, a policeman was putting someone in the back seat of a unit. Sarah pointed Jack toward the ER area. "When you get Jay, come up to the ICU, so I can find out what happened," Sarah told him, as she headed for the elevators.

When the curtains were pulled back, Jay looked over to see Jack standing there. "Hi," Jay said. The left side of his face was very red, and his lip was swollen and split.

"Hi, you," Jack replied. "What the hell happened to you? I'm assuming you didn't start the fight." He raised his eyebrow in question.

"No, and it wasn't much of a fight. He hit me; I hit the floor; he got restrained," Jay told him. Jay knew that look. "It was Dad; he asked me where I was living; I told him. He asked me who I was living with; I told him I was living with my fiancé Jackson. He told me `No son of mine was going to marry a man.' When told him I stopped being his son when I moved in with Shane." Jay tried to sit up. "That's when I saw stars, the floor, and I was sitting down," Jay told him. "No, I am not pressing charges," Jay said, as he swung his legs around, so he could face Jack.

Jack gently kissed Jay on his right cheek. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you and how proud of you I am?" Jack asked. "It's up to you whether you press charges or not, but I'm guessing the hospital will take care of that for you. What does the doctor say about you?"

"Yes, but you can show me later, to remind me," Jay told him, giving Jack's ass a good pinch. "I'll be sore for a while, and they were waiting for you to get here to release me," Jay said, as he stood to his feet. "Can we go see Shane?" Jay asked, as they started to leave the room.

"Of course," Jack replied. "We will be talking later about sneaking out and 'borrowing' the truck," he said sternly, after signing Jay out.

Jay gave Jack a small smile, when he mentioned the truck, and sneaking out. When they got to the unit, Shane was awake, and wanting to get up and go home. "Now you know where I get it from." Jay said to Jack, as they walked into the room. "The nurse said as long as you behave yourself we all can stay in here, but if you start acting up, two of us will have to leave, and I don't think Sis will be one of them," Jay said, as he gave Shane a hug. Shane asked what happened to him. "I'll tell you in a few days," he said.

Shane then told them what he remembered about the accident, which was bright lights and a crunch; then waking up in the ER. When he asked how Mom was, Jay and Sarah just looked at one another. He just shook his head, as he read the looks on their faces. "I'm sorry, Jay; it was not my fault."

"Not blaming you," Jay said, as he squeezed Shane's hand. `Blaming her' Jay thought, as he looked over at Jack.

After about an hour, "Well, bro; Jack and I are going to head for the house; let you and Sis chat a while," Jay told him, as he stood up. "Jack's probably still tired from the long drive," Jay said, giving Jack a wink.

Jack just smiled. His Brat was irrepressible. "Yeah, I could do with some shut eye," he drawled. "And so could Jason." He just looked at Shane, who had picked up the use of his brother's full name. Shane just rolled his eyes.
"The rooms I built for Sharon are sound proofed," was all he said.

"Good," Jack replied. "We wouldn't want your kids to hear anything and get more of an education than they need." They left the hospital and drove to the house.

Jay didn't hear his full name; his mind was on other things at the moment. Jay handed Jack the keys to the truck, after he put on his jacket, and followed Jack out of the hospital. Jay could only smile as they drove toward the house. He had thoughts of hot sex and a long nap. Once inside the main house, Jay grabbed a Mountain Dew from the fridge, and a bag of hot Cheetoes off the top of it. He also grabbed a bottle of water for Jack, and then they headed out toward where they were staying. "Now what did I do to make you go all quiet and all?" Jay asked, once they were inside the apartment.

"Sneaking out and 'borrowing' the truck," Jack replied. "I'm not happy, Jason. Maybe if I'd been with you, we could have avoided you ending up in the emergency department."

Jay rolled his eyes, "Yeah and it could have been you there instead of me," Jay told him, as he came over to stand in front of his irate lover. "And I didn't sneak out; and you said I could use the truck, if I needed it. All I wanted to do was to be there when Shane woke up, or if he needed anything like blood," Jay said, as he pulled Jack into a hug. "I'm sorry; I should have left you a note; I didn't expect dad to be there." Jay said, looking up at Jack. "Am I in trouble?" he asked.

"Yes," Jack replied. "How do you think I felt when I realized you weren't here; and it wasn't until I saw the truck missing that I worked out what had happened. If you wanted the truck, why didn't you ask for the keys before I fell asleep? Why sneak them out of my pocket? If you wanted to go sit with Shane, I wouldn't have minded. After all, you slept most of the way. A note would have been the least I expected. We both have cell phones; text messaging was invented for times like this." He returned Jay's hug fiercely; he didn't do `scared `well.

When hearing the `Yes,' Jay dropped his head down into the crook of Jack's neck, letting out a heavy sigh, and his body trembled a little. "Scared, I don't know; forgot, didn't work." Jay tried to answer each question as they got fired at him. "M'sorry," Jay mumbled into Jack's shoulder, tightening his hold around Jack's waist.

"I know, baby," Jack replied. He turned Jay around and gave him two hard swats. "Now you've paid, and it's all over." He grinned crookedly at his Brat.

Jay yelped when the swats landed on his jeans-clad bottom. Jack had to put some force behind them, to get them to hurt that badly. Jay pulled Jack over to the bed, and lay down, curling up beside his lover. The day had finally come crashing down around Jay; he let out a yawn, and was asleep within a few minutes.

When he and Jack awoke that afternoon, Jay's Uncle Dean and his partner, Leo, were there to help Sarah make funeral arrangements, which was graveside.

At the funeral Jay was relieved that his dad didn't say anything to him. Jay knew if he had, Jack would have torn him apart. He was a little upset because Shane was not able to be there with them, but he understood why. With Jack by his side, along with his two favorite uncles, he stood tall and brave. He knew he had to there for Sarah and Benji's sake.

Jay had to bite his tongue, or squeeze Jack's hand tightly when someone said something like, "She was always such a good mom; she always put you boys first," or some other lie. Jay wanted to tell them the truth, but figured since he and Shane knew the truth, and that is all that mattered, he let it get buried with her.

After the funeral, most of the people headed home. Everyone decided it would be best to wait until Shane got home to have the wake. There was a knock on the door; then they heard…

"Jay, the hair bear bunch has arrived, looking for their lost cub," Sarah yelled, from the front room. Jay dropped his stuff back on the table, and made a mad dash for the door, almost knocking little Benji down on his way out.

"Bird," someone yelled out. Jack soon saw the man he loved engulfed by a small group of young adults. He could see Sarah shake her head.

"No drinking or smoking of any kind around the house," she ordered, "or I'm calling the police," she said to the group that was no longer listening to anything.

"Yeah, sure; no problems; we'll take it down the street," someone said.

"Jack, you need to watch him close; they're all trouble magnets," Sarah said, as she passed him at the door way.

"Jack," Jay yelled out. "C'mere," he said, looking over to him. "I want you to meet the gang."

Jack smiled easily, and sauntered over. "Hi gang," he said cheerfully. "I'm Jack."

"This is Bear, Paul, Lee, Erick, and this is the lovely DJ," Jay said, who in turn soundly punch Jay in his arm as he took her by the arm and pulled her to stand in front of him. DJ stood eye to eye with Jay, and she was in flats; long black hair pulled back into pig tails, big brown doe eyes - she had the typical skater look,

"Hi, Jack; nice to meet you finally," she said, blushing a soft pink as she held out her hand. "Is it alright if Bird comes out to fly for awhile?" She asked.

"Fine by me," Jack replied. "Just need to speak to my partner before you guys go." He pulled Jay aside. "No smoking, and watch your drinking," he said quietly. "You have consequences to your actions that the rest of your gang don't have. Have a good time, lover." He watched the gang head off, and turned to Sarah. "I hope they're not as bad as you say," he said.

Sarah just smiled at him and shook her head. "Live and learn." was all she said.

It was just after six when Jay came in, his face red from the cold, eyes blood shot, smelling of smoke. "Hi," Jay said, as he came in and headed for the bathroom. "I didn't smoke anything, and I only had one beer," Jay said, tossing his coat out the bathroom door. After a few minutes, the water came on. Inside the bathroom, Jay pulled a bloody t-shirt off, wrapped it up in a towel, and shoved it into the hamper. Glancing at his face in the mirror, there was no evidence of an incident.
"Care to join me in a few minutes?" Jay asked, sticking his head out the bathroom door.

Jack rolled his eyes at Sarah. "I promised Benji I'd read him a bedtime story," Jack replied, shooting his Brat a warning look.

Sarah laughed; then went into the kitchen. Jay couldn't figure out why he got that look, but figured he'd find out sooner or later. He quickly took his shower, getting all the smoke smell from his hair. Grabbing up his stuff off the floor, he fished out the t-shirt, and took everything into the wash room. "Sis, how do you get blood out of whites?" Jay asked, showing Sarah the t-shirt.

"You only get a bloody nose when you smoke pot," she said, looking at the shirt and shaking her head. "This, you toss it in the trash," she told him, throwing the shirt away. She then handed Jay one of Shane's white shirts.

"I was not smoking pot," Jay told her, as he put on the shirt. He didn't see Jack standing by the door.

"Is that the truth?" Jack asked bluntly. "Why were your eyes so bloodshot?"

Jay jumped a mile. "God, Jack, scare the hell out of me. Because they were smoking cigarettes in the car on the way home, and that shit always make my eyes red. Honest, Jack, after what you told me, do you think I'd be dumb enough to smoke pot?" he told him, as he pushed past him to go back into the house. "If you don't believe me, we can go have my blood tested, or better yet, have a cop come over and check my eyes; they can tell just by looking at you; or have one of the dogs sniff me out." Jay grabbed up his jacket and headed for the back door. "I'm going to bed," Jay yelled, slamming the back door behind him.

Sarah jumped when the door slammed shut." He still does that, huh?" she asked, giving Jack a quirky smile.

Jack sighed. "Yes," he said. "I'm surprised we still have windows left at home. I guess I better go and make apologies to him." Jack went to the room he and Jay were staying in. "I'm sorry, Jay," he said, to the hump under the covers. "I should always trust your word; I listened to Sarah too much, and forgot you had changed since she knew you. Will you accept my apology?"

Jay also slammed the door to the cottage they were staying in; he was so pissed off, he could not see straight. Jay quickly stripped off his clothes, and climbed into bed; he wanted nothing to do with Jack at the moment, and bed was the safest place for him right now.

It was not long before Jay heard the door open, then close. He could feel Jack looking at him. Instead of telling him to bug off, he listened to what his lover had to say. "Of course I forgive you," Jay told him, as he sat up. "You know, a few years ago, I would have gotten high and thought nothing of it, `cause I didn't care what happened to me. But when I met you, I figured I don't need it, `because you make me feel good," Jay told him. "I am sorry for yelling at you like that." Jay tried to look up at his lover, but it was hard to keep eye contact with him; so he just played with the ring that Jack gave him for Christmas. Deep down, Jay knew his little tantrum in the house was uncalled for.

"That's good to hear, baby," Jack said, sitting down on the bed. "Maybe tomorrow morning you should apologize to Sarah for slamming her doors. After all, you're not really the door slamming type any more." Jack smiled. "After you fixed how many windows at home?"

"Yes, sir," Jay said, crossing his legs to give Jack room to sit in the small bed. He really didn't think he should have to apologize, because Sarah was the one that started it. "I don't know; I've lost count," Jay told him, as he watched Jack sit, while he pulled the little lint balls off the blankets. "So, what happened after I left," Jay asked, not wanting to think of what might happen next.

"Sarah and I just talked a little," Jack replied, pulling Jay close in a tight hug. "And what you're apologizing for is for slamming doors. There are better ways of expressing your emotions than throwing a temper tantrum as though you were no older than Benji. You're an articulate young man when you put your mind to it; I just wish you'd use that talent more often."

`I could have told her to fuck off,' Jay thought, as he leaned into the hug. "So how long do we get to stay, since Shane's not as bad as they first thought?" Jay asked, as he buried his face into Jack's neck, smelling the man he loved, letting his lips gently touch the skin under them. Jay moved his mouth to give his lover butterfly kisses along the neck, as his breath came out in whispers. "I love you," Jay whispered into Jack's ear, as he gently sucked the earlobe into his mouth. Jack could feel Jay's fingers running though his hair, his fingers gripping his head to move it to one side, so he could get a better taste of the neck that he was nibbling on. Jay's thumbs gently rubbed the erect nipple under Jack's shirt. He wiggled just a little to get a better seat on his lover's lap.

Jack felt himself harden under Jay's assault. "You want the spanking before or after I fuck you?" Jack asked. "You thought you could distract me using sex?" he continued, his voice amused. "You never get let off when you throw temper tantrums; you know that."

"You can't spank me here," Jay said, giving Jack a light kiss on his lips. "Sarah will hear you, or the neighbors will, and they'll call the police, thinking someone is being killed," Jay told his lover, in a soft voice. "If it wasn't for that I say before, `cause getting a spanking after getting fucked hurts like hell, and getting a spanking hurts bad enough," Jay said, pulling away from Jack. Besides, can't you let this one go; I mean, hell, you are the one that caused it," Jay asked, as he sat back, playing with the button on Jack's shirt.

"And where exactly did Shane punish you?" Jack asked, curiously. "And I apologized, but you didn't need to throw a temper tantrum and slam doors. I've never let one go before; why would I start now?"

"In the basement," Jay said, looking some what worried that Jack might haul his ass down there, and he didn't want that. There was something down there he didn't want Jack to know about. "Hey, you can't blame the condemned for trying, now can you?" Jay told him, with a small smile, as he laid his head on Jack's shoulder. "I said I was sorry for yelling at you, and I didn't mean to slam the door that hard; it just slipped; that's all; and `no' you have not let me get by with it before, and I really didn't expect you to this time either, " Jay said, as he moved around so he was beside Jack.

Jack gently placed Jay over his lap, and pulled his pants down. He started to spank his Brat, making sure he turned the butt over his lap a bright red color. He was determined to teach Jay once and for all that temper tantrums were zero tolerance.

Jay quickly grabbed his pillow and buried his face into it. He was determined to take this spanking with little or no fuss. Also, he did not want the neighbors to hear this, nor did he want Sarah to know what was going on. Shane knowing was one thing, but his sister-in- law, never. To hell with being brave; "Oww, Jack; please, ok, ok you made your point; no more tantrums," Jay yelled out. After the tenth swat had landed, he finally gave in and went limp over the lap of his top; he was not going to fight it anymore.

Jack's gentle stroking motion to calm his Brat didn't stay chaste for long. His touch became, oh so soft; and he gently laid Jay face down on the bed, and straddled him, leaning over to gently nip his lover's neck.

`This is new,' Jay thought, as he felt Jack straddle him. This was the first time Jack wanted to fuck, right after a spanking; but Jay had no problem with that; he still had that kinky part of him. Jay liked the feeling of cool skin next to his heated skin; the burning sensation he got when his lover pressed into him. He whimpered a little when he felt Jack nip his neck, feeling Jack press into him, causing him to wiggle his ass a little. Jay moaned a little "Backpack, side pocket, lube," he grunted, in between nips to his neck.

Jack just laughed. "Patience, my little Brat, is a virtue," he replied. "We won't be needing the lube, until I've driven you wild, cooled you down, then wound you up again." Jack then proceeded to do as he promised. He ran his tongue over all his young lover's erogenous zones, adding the odd nip as he went, ignoring the straining cock until the last possible second, and then swallowing it whole, as Jay shot for the first time.

Jay's eyes rolled to the back of his head. When he came, his mouth gapped open, "Awww, mmmm, Shhhhhhh," Jay mumbled, as he thrashed back and forth, his finger laced into Jack's hair, lightly moving his head under it. Jays' body jerked as he came down from the high, his organ being sensitive to the touch. He moaned when he felt the soft lips of his lover tighten around the shaft; as he moved upward to milk him of the last of his seed. Then he gasped, and his body shivered with goose bumps. When he felt the velvet touch of his lover's tongue, as it licked the sensitive head, he was totally speechless; all he could do was purr.

Jack gently stroked Jay, as his lover came down from his high. He leaned over and grabbed the lube. Then he flipped Jay over onto his back, and began to tease his lover's nipples. Once Jay had begun to moan again, he flipped him back over and began to butterfly kiss him down his back, moving down onto his Brat's reddened bottom. He then began to loosen his Brat's hole. First using his tongue, and then introducing well-lubed fingers, making sure he rubbed over Jay's sweet spot as he did so, Jack undid his trousers and released his cock. He drove in smoothly, and heard Jay's howl as the rough material of his jeans impacted against his tender bottom's cheeks.

Jay lost the ability to speak, at the beginning. When he felt Jack lean over to get the lube, he spread his legs apart to give Jack more room. He gasped loudly, as his body quivered, when he felt Jack's tongue licking the length of his crack, stopping at the hole for a few passes; he moaned when it stopped. Feeling his lover's fingers, he pushed back to help them along. With the gentle finger-fucking, all Jay could do was whimper softly. As the fingers passed over his sweet spot, Jay kneaded the bed as he purred; he was almost there. Then the fingers were gone; he let out a loud disappointed groan . When he heard the zipper being slid down, ass up, head and chest down, like a cat in heat, he wiggled his ass. He grabbed a fist full of bedspread, and waited for the penetration. Jay gasped, as Jack entered him, and he howled as the rough jeans touched his tender thighs; the combination of the two excited him beyond measure. Jay couldn't help it; his muscles tightened around Jack's cock. He let out a grunt and came hard. "M'sorry," Jay whispered, as he knew Jack liked it when they came together.

"No need to apologize, sweetheart," Jack replied, moving easily in and out of his lover. His hands crept around, and he began to play with Jay's limp cock. "I'm sure he can rise to the occasion again, and I'm in no hurry at all."

Jay moved his hand down to cover Jack's, as Jack stroked him to hardness, his fingers lightly touching Jack's balls on the inward thrust, and then sliding against Jack hard cock, as it fucked him. It was no time at all that Jay was harder then before. He bit his pillow as an anal climax hit him in waves, causing him to tighten his anal muscles around Jack's member. His body jerked several times, before he could think or breathe again. "Damn, Jack," Jay whispered softly, as his lover rode him, soft and steady. "Face me," Jay said; he wanted to be face to face with his lover, as the love making went on.

Jack withdrew slowly, and grinned as Jay protested the loss. He flipped his young lover over, and slowly entered Jay again, looking intently into Jay's eyes as he set the pace once more. Before long, Jay came again, and Jack followed him in a glorious rush. "Love you," was all Jack said, as he carefully withdrew and flopped down next to his lover and Brat.

Jay could only grin; the climax was the best yet. Slipping an arm under Jack's head, Jay rolled over and sucked on one of the erect nipples, giving it a loving nip. He placed his other hand on Jack's face, and turned his face to where they were eye to eye. He opened his mouth, and then closed it again. "I love you, too, love," Jay said, as he snuggled closer to Jack's chest. They lay chest to chest, and Jay lightly traced Jack's nipple with his fingers until he went to sleep.

The End.

All I Want For Christmas

By Jo and Carol.

Jackson and Jason

The alarm went off at five am, like it had for the last several months. Jay woke,, turned off the alarm, so it would not wake, Jack. Then he climbed out of bed, to get ready for work. The loft was getting colder in the mornings, since winter has finally decided to show its’ ugly head, but not quite cold enough to turn up the heat, since both men slept better, when the room was cool. As Jay made his way across the room toward the bathroom, he could smell the fresh smell of pine, then his nose started to itch, causing him to sneeze a few times the last made him hit his head on the door before he could open it. “Damn door” Jay mumbled, as he opened it.

When Jay was dressed for work, he went over to the microwave, and pulled his cocoa out then he went over to the corner, where a naked tree sat in the corner. ‘Can’t wait to help Jack with this,’ Jay thought, as he looked at the tree, sipping his cocoa. His mind was seeing bright lights, shiny ornaments, popcorn strings, candy canes, hanging from the tree. A smile came across Jay's face, ‘Yap this was going to be the best.’ Jay thought as he took a deep breath, sneezed again and his eyes started to itch. ‘As long as I don’t end up sick’ Jay thought, as he put his mug down on the table. Going over to a sleeping Jack, he bent over and gave him a kiss goodbye, “See you at noon,” Jay whispered to him, like he had for the last several months, then grabbed his jacket and headed for work.

Jack mumbled, and rolled over. Although Jay didn't know it, he hardly ever stayed in bed for long, after Jay left it. He missed it when his young Brat wasn't in bed with him. He'd found after his first cup of coffee, his mind was quite creative in the early morning. He got up, poured his coffee and got a bowl of muesli for himself.

“Getting low,” he muttered to himself. He made his own muesli, “Need ingredients for chicken salad as well. Wonder if Jay wants to go shopping with me this afternoon? We can pick up candy canes and stuff for the tree.”

It was a busy day, everyone kept busy, before long it was time for Jay to clock out and head home. As Jay came by the window, in front of the shop, he glanced in to see Jack not standing behind the counter or helping some one. Jay rushed up the stairs “Honey I’m home,” Jay yelled, as the door slammed shut behind him. Jack was about ready to say something, when Jay’s mouth covered his in a long hard kiss, so passionate it made Jack's toes curl, “Missed you” Jay said, as he broke the kiss. Seeing the yellow list in Jack's hand, Jay gave him a smile as Jay's thumb rubbed the corner of Jack's mouth. “Cool food shopping” Jay said, as he took the list. “Oh hey, your mom sent you something,” Jay told him, digging the mail out of his jacket as he handed it over. Jay gave him a smile and then a sneeze or two.

Jack opened the letter and out fell a Christmas card. “That's nice,” he said smiling. “I guess that means tonight we'd better start doing our Christmas cards, otherwise they won't get to people on time. Better start making a list of who you want to send cards too.” Jack smiled at Jay, “I only send cards to clients I like.”

Jay was a little disappointed that the kiss he gave Jack got no response. “That’s will be easy, DJ, Marty, Scott, Kermit” Jay said as he held up one finger for each person. “Oh wait, Kermit’s Jewish.” He said as he put one finger down. “When and where are we going for the food?” Jay asked, giving Jack the innocent smile. The last time they went shopping together, Jay ended up sitting in the truck because of his mouth. Jay also mentally checked his wallet to figure if he had enough cash in it, so he could buy the stuff he wanted, that Jack would not buy him, or is he going to have to use his bank card.

Jack laughed, he was not unaffected by Jay's kiss and there was nothing he'd rather do than fuck Jay all afternoon, but they really needed to go shopping. “I think you can still send Kermit a card,” Jack replied. “I though we'd go to Kelowna and maybe find a nice place to have some lunch. Then we can do some food shopping and then maybe part and do some Christmas present shopping,” Jack smiled, and winked at his lover.

“Cool, there’s a neat burger joint by the mall, they’ve got the best onion rings.” Jay said, as he went over to the closet. Jay dropped his work pants, and pulled up a pair on a pair of baggy jeans, then he pulled a T-shirt on that said “Your boyfriend thinks I’m sexy” then he slipped his feet into his Vans skaters shoes, that had seen better days. “Ok ready,” Jay said, as he gave his body a quick spray of the Tag body spray that Jack loved on him. “Oh and I need MD,” Jay said, as he pulled on his skull covered sweat jacket.

Jack was a lot more conservative, than his skater bad boy Brat. His t-shirt and jeans were tight enough to make people look, and he shrugged on his black leather jacket that gave him a slightly darker edge. When Jay was in that kind of mood Jack wanted to make sure his Brat knew his Top was watching him. “Let's get moving,” was all he said.

“Oh hell, forgot something,” Jay said, as he grabbed his white skull beanie pulling it down over his head. it came to rest above the eyebrows, Jay's bangs peeked from under the edge of the beanie giving Jack a smile “its just for looks” Jay said, as he pulled a white cylinder out of his backpack. He opened it and then slipped a cigarette behind his ear as he grabbed his CD case. “Ok let’s roll” Jay said, as he headed down the stairs.

Jack growled and took the cigarette from behind Jay's ear. “You do not smoke and I am not interested in 'looks'” he said. “I'm willing for you to dress the way you do, that's just part of who you, are but no cigarettes.”

A sly grin crossed Jays face “Ok how about a joint.” Jay yelled back, over his shoulder making a run for the truck. Once there, he climbed in and fastened his seat belt before Jack got there. Jay looked out the driver’s window to see Jack. “What took you so long?” Jay asked giving him a goofy grin.

Jack growled, “That mouth of yours is writing a cheque, your butt doesn't want to pay,” he warned, “Scoot over, you can't drive with that arm of yours. It's not due out of plaster until next week.”

Jay wondered how many more cheques he could write, before his butt had to pay. Jay smiled and kiss the tip of Jack's nose “Yes, daddy” Jay said, as he undid the seat belt and slid over, making sure his ass did not raise more then it had to. Once Jay was buckled up in the passenger side, he pulled out a black CD that said Pitt Sounds, and slid it into the player. “You know I was joking right?” Jay asked, Jack started the truck, and a ear piercing scream came from the CD player, and the sound of banging drums.

“Oh God,” Jack moaned, “Your taste in music does not improve.” He turned the volume down and said “Yes Brat, I do know you were joking, but it had better stay a joke. If I find you with any drug, what Shane did to you will seem mild. Understand?”

Jay shivered at the memory of what Shane did to him long ago. “Yeah I understand” Jay said, as he undid his seat belt and slid to the middle of the bench seat. He did up the middle seatbelt, and then taking in a deep breath “That’s all the high I need” Jay said, as he laid his head on Jack's shoulder. It was not long before Jack felt shift in the seat and Jay's head rolled back a little then a soft snore came from him.

Jack drove to Kelowna smiling to himself. “Wake up sleepy head,” he said, as he pulled into the mall. “Lunch first then we shop. Maybe we'll go clothes shopping as well,” he mused eyeing Jay's clothing.

Jay let out a big yawn and a smile, “Did you find the burger joint?” Jay asked, as he slid out of the truck on the driver’s side. “Yeah, there a great sale going on at the skate shop” Jay said, as he stretched his long frame, his jeans slid a little further down, off his hips causing his hip bones to stick out a little. Once inside the burger joint, Jay pointed Jack to a booth, once there Jay leaned over “ I got to pee order me a six with a DM, no ice, catshit, lots of mayo, and ranch dressing on the side. Please.” Jay told Jack, as he headed toward the bathrooms.

“Instant heart attack it is,” Jack replied, and ordered exactly the same for himself, substituting coke as the drink of choice, plus extra onion rings.

Jay came back from the washing with a smile on his face. He stopped on Jack's side of the booth and gave him a kiss to the cheek. “I promise no footsy under the table.” Jay told him, as he slid in to the seat in front of Jack. Once the food got there Jay waited until Jack cut his in two then he dug in. “Now this is a good burger,” Jay said, as he lifted the burger, as the grease and mayo dripped on to his plate. Jay picked up an onion ring, and dipped it into the ranch dressing. He chewed slowly savoring the taste. “I could eat here all week” Jay said giving Jack a smile. “Good huh?” Jay asked.

“If we ate here every day we'd get huge,” Jack replied, smiling, “It's nice for a change however. Really nice burgers,” he agreed. “And you were right, the onion rings rock.”

Jay let his burger drop to the plate, as he picked up an onion ring, dipping it into the dressing he gave Jack a smile. “Yeah I guess you're right,” he said, as he let out a sigh. Jay feel silent as he ate, the waitress came by to see if they needed a refill which Jay declined. Jay soon pushed his plate away from him, with maybe a bite of burger left and a few rings. Jay finished his drink and then played with his straw, while Jack finished eating.

“OK,” Jack said, having polished off his meal, “What do you want to do first? I guess the food shopping should wait until last, although with this weather nothing will spoil.” Jack looked sourly out the window at the cold rain, which all his weather sense said wouldn't take long to turn to snow.”

“How about the mall, so I can check out the skate shop?” Jay asked, as he stood up and pulled on his sweat jacket. “Hey do you know how to snow board or ski?” Jay asked, as they stepped out into the cold. “Wow, cool look at this,” Jay yelled, as he pulled a flyer from he windshield his eyes scanned it fast. “They having a skater competitions next week end over at the skate park, Can I do it?” Jay asked, as he waited for Jack to unlock the door.

“Don't see why not,” Jack replied. “You'll be out of plaster by then and I know you'd have a good time. As for skiing I was doing that almost before I could walk,” Jack smiled “Can you ice skate?” he asked.

“Yessssss” Jay yelled, pumping his good arm up and down a few times, he hasn’t competed for a while now, so this was going to be a blast for him. “Ice Skate” Jay's eyes brows knitted together, “No, that one I never learned, because it was too expensive and people don’t toss those out in the trash” Jay told him, as he slid into the seat and pulled his seat belt on, even though the mall was only a few blocks away, he knew Jack would insisted he buckled up. “But it can’t be that hard. Can it?” Jay asked, as they pulled out of the parking spot.

Jack hid a smile. “You've got natural balance,” he replied, “But like most people you'll fall over in the beginning. There is a rink here in Kelowna, but soon there'll be somewhere in Jade Heights, frozen enough to use. We'll also get you skiing or snowboarding, probably boarding, before the winter is over. I love winter,” he said, “especially wood fires at night, snuggling with my lover.”

Jack found a park in the mall car park and they wandered into the mall. “Skate shop first,” Jack suggested, “then we can split and do our Christmas shopping.”

“I got what I want, already,” Jay said, as he slipped his hand into Jack's hand. When they walked into the shop they were met with loud music and rough language. Jay was able to find a few t-shirts and a pair of pants before a couple other skaters that Jay had met before one was Marty younger brother, and the other was just a skater. Jack could not tell if they were male or female, it only took a few words before Jay turned back into his old self, the shy lover Jack knew, was now a loud, foul mouthed, disrespectful terror just like the others, the F word came out of Jay's mouth, every other word.

His hand landed heavily on Jay's shoulder, “Jason,” he said, “Let's go pay for those clothes and get out of here.” His hand tightened in warning, as Jay turned to face him. “Don't,” he warned, his voice pitched low enough, that only Jay could hear it.

Jay’s eyes narrowed but he didn’t say anything “Bye guys, got to get.” Jay told the guys hanging out him. They walked over to the counter he looked over at Jack. “What’s you problem?” Jay asked, as he laid the stuff out on the counter.

“Think it over,” Jack suggested. “How you acted with those two skaters, and get back to me if you think it was appropriate.”

Jay chewed on his bottom lip, as he handed over the cash for the clothing, he knew he had to think fast or his ass was grass, and Jack was the lawn mower. ‘Shit, forgot about tops, enhanced hearing. “Cool lip ring” Jay told her, as he grabbed up the bag, she handed him. She just gave him a wink ”Don’t forget you drinks on your way out “ she told them, as they headed for the door. Jay stopped by a cooler and grabbed up two of the energy drinks in it, stuffing them into bag, he took Jack's hand, then he pulled him to the hall way that lead into the bathrooms, too many empty stall with standing room. They stood in the hallway face to face. There was no way Jay was going to take Jack into the bathroom to chat. “I’m sorry, as your partner, no that was not appropriate language to use around you, but as a skater yes it was. I meant nothing, but calling the little one a bitch, it just how we talk around each other.” Jay told him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have talked that was around you.”

“It wasn't just the language, Jay,” Jack replied, in a serious voice, “It was the whole attitude that I didn't like. It makes me wonder how you act with other people when I'm not around. Let's go and do the food shopping and then head home,” he said, “Somehow I'm not in the mood for Christmas shopping.”

‘Shit,” Jay thought, as they walked out of the mall. Jay felt horrible that he ruined Jack's Christmas shopping plans, tears stung his eyes and a few slipped down his cheeks Jay turned his face to look out the passenger window so Jack would not see. When they turned into the parking lot Jay closed his eyes tight fighting the lump in his throat. “I’ll stay in the truck,” Jay told Jack, as he turned off the engine.

Jack saw the tears in Jay's eyes. “Baby,” he said, very gently, “I love you, I was just upset when I saw you act in a totally different way, from who you really are. You're a kind, gentle, loving man not a foul mouthed, cheeky, little so and so. I don't hear the professional skaters talking like that, so saying it's skater culture is a bit of a cop out in my book. If you want to stay in the truck you can, but I'd really like my lover to come shopping with me.”

Jay gave Jack a weak smile, “Alright,” Jay told him as he open up the truck's door. “Jack I don’t use the kind of language or attitude around the kids at the park, at least I don’t think so,” Jay told him as he watched Jack come around the other side of the truck. They both walked hand in hand to the store, once inside Jay grabbed a shopping cart he made sure it didn’t bump, thump or pull to one side before he handed one over to Jack. Everything was going well until Jay found what he wanted. The things Jay dropped in the cart was Oreo cookies, hostess cupcakes, Twinkies, and few other junk food items then he turned to give Jack the sad eyes when he put his hands on a case of Mountain Dew.

Jack laughed, “It's Christmas, so this once, I'll give way on the no energy drinks rule.” They reached the Christmas aisle in the shop and Jack stopped in front of the Christmas ornaments. “I think in honour of our first Christmas together, we should each get an ornament. What do you think of that Christmas tradition?” Jack asked, somewhat anxiously. He had no idea of Christmas traditions, Jay had grown up with.

Jay gave Jack an odd smile, then he looked over the ornaments, “Jack I don’t mean to sound stupid but what’s a tradition,” Jay asked as he fingered a small gold reef that had two doves with the words, Our First Christmas 2008, on it.

“Something that you do so often it becomes a habit,” Jack replied. “Like if we buy an ornament every year it becomes a tradition. If we open one present each on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Day, that's a tradition. We make our own Christmas traditions, so our little family has our own special Christmas, not quite like anybody elses.”

“Oh ok, I understand,” Jay said, as he let the ornament slide from his fingers, “I’m not crazy about these,” Jay told him. ‘Nope I want the right one for our first Christmas traditions,’ Jay thought, as he looked over at Jack. “You never told me what you want for Christmas?” Jay asked as watched Jack look at the ornaments,

Jack picked up the small gold reef with the doves on “I love this one,” he said, smiling. “I'll be happy with whatever you get me sweetheart. I have no real needs or wants.”

‘Great what do you get a man that can buy anything he wants to?’ Jay thought, as he looked at the reef, “Yeah that's cute,” Jay told him. It didn’t take long for Jay to get bored with the shopping, once Jack found the ornament he wanted, it was can we get these or these. Since Jay was controlling the cart every once a while he purposely ran into Jack with it, when he stopped. As they walked by the liquor isle Jay grabbed a bottle of rum along with Jack Daniels, and slipped it into the cart. Jay got the munchies, so he went to open a bag of cheetoes cheese puff.

Jack was getting tired of Jay's fidgeting. The fourth time Jay ran into him he turned to him. “Pay for those on the way out, and go and sit in the truck,” he ordered. “Straight to the truck, no sidetracking,” he warned.

Jay stuck out his orange tongue as he pushed the cart toward Jack. on his way to the registrar he grabbed a bottle of MD, he paid for the stuff and then went to the truck. Once he got to the truck, he patted his pockets for the keys remembering he left them at home, he started to head back toward the store to get Jack's from him caught sight of a little second hand shop. Going over to it, he glanced into the window, then he went in. Jay looked around the small shop, he knew the workers were watching because of the way he was dressed. He was about ready to leave when he saw a small table. Walking over to it he saw a ring box. He knew he seen the design before, but was not sure of it until he opened the box and there sat two rings, both men’s, but one smaller then the other. Jay was about ready to put the box back down on the table, when he saw piece of paper sticking out from under the cotton. Jay emptied the contents out on to the table and pulled open the paper. A smile crossed his face, he knew where he seen the design before putting thing back together, Jay went up the counter and bought the set. Jay gave the two elderly ladies a big smile, and a thank you headed back the truck his smile faded quickly when he saw a pissed off Top standing by the truck scanning the parking lot.

“Was I not clear about sidetracking?” Jack asked, “Get in,” he ordered abruptly. The ride home was silent and the spanking Jay got was swift but painful.

And then before they knew it, Christmas Eve had arrived,

Jay sat on the sofa and waited until Jack to come back up from the shop, one of the older ladies gold necklace broke and asked Jack if he could fix it since she wanted to wear it to her granddaughter wedding and they would be leaving tomorrow morning. Jay was pissed that Jack had actually agreed to do this for her. He didn’t care if it took her a while to climb all those stairs. “Just tell her no and shut the door” Jay told him ‘Not smart stupid” Jay thought as he gently rubbed the hand print that laid across his ass cheek. This was their first Christmas Eve together, and the old bat was going to ruin it.

Jay got up and went over to the tree taking another swallow of his eggnog, as he pulled the small package out of his pocket and rolled it around in his hand. A small smile crossed his face when he heard the door knob turn he shoved the package back into his pocket.

Jack smiled at his Brat. “Shop is all closed and is going to stay that way until mid January,” he said. “Plenty of time to spend with you skiing, skating and snuggling.” He poured out two glasses of whisky and sat down next to Jay. Now to exchange one present each,” he said, “But first, my sulky wee Brat,” Jack leaned over and kissed Jay, claiming him.

Jay slowly sucked on Jack’s tongue, as his hand found the present he wanted to open. Jay hated that all of Jack's pants had to have buttons instead of snaps; snaps were easier to get undone. Jay slowly slid the zipper down, once the pants were loose enough Jay slipped one hand down the front of Jack's pants and grasped the hard member helping it out of the enclosure it was in then the other one slipped around and down the back of Jack's pants grasping one of the two smooth globes. Jay pulled back to catch his breath giving Jack a smile “All I want for Christmas is you, my love” Jay said

Jack growled and started to strip Jason. Jay had finally lost his plaster and been declared perfectly healed so Jack wasn't gentle, as he picked his now naked lover up, and briefly prepared him. “Get ready for a hard ride, boy,” he breathed into Jay's ear.

“Oh baby, yes,” Jay said as he relaxed into Jack's strong arms, it been a while since they’ve had hard sex. “Give what you got, old man,” Jay said, with a smile and a pinch to a nipple. Jay was hard and ready to cum just by the light foreplay. Just as Jack entered him, Jay let out a gasp and came hard before he was able to stop himself like he normally did “Sorry” Jay whispered softly.

“No worries,” Jack replied, angling himself so he hit Jay's sweet spot, “I've got some time to go.” Jack rode Jay hard, and finally came hard himself. He rolled off Jay and reached under the tree. “Merry Christmas,” he said handing Jay, his present. Jack had made a silver and jade bracelet, with a matching pinky ring, etched with a celtic design, with a Harley motorcycle etched into the jade of the bracelet. Carefully carved inside the pinky ring was 'Jack loves Jay'.

Jay squealed as he flung his arms around Jack's neck giving him a kiss hard enough to bruise lips. Jay held out his arm so Jack could put the bracelet and ring on his wrist and finger. “I’ll never take them off.” Jay said, as he jumped to his feet and to find the shorts he had on before Jack tossed them across the room. It took Jay a few minutes as he scrambled around the room on his hands and knees until he found and retrieved the small box that fell out of his pocket and slid under the table by the door. Jay jumped over the back of the sofa and bounced as he landed beside Jack. “Here,” Jay said, as he handed Jack the small box wrapped in a sapphire blue paper with a small bow and ribbon on it, On the paper written in red was, “Our first Christmas 2008” Jay was all smiles as he watched Jack turn the box in his hand.

Jack opened the box and looked at the two rings. “Sweetheart, are you asking me to marry you?”

Jay gulped; he didn’t expect that to come out of Jack's mouth. He would love to marry him some day, but his family never could stay married long. “Umm they're more like a promise rings,” Jay told him. Taking the box he pulled the slip of paper out that laid under the cotton, I saw them in that second hand store by the supermarket.” Jay told him as he unfolded the paper, Written on a sales receipt it was. To my dearest friend and the love of his life May your love be forever even though it is forbidden. Your dear friend, McCallum 1982. “This is your grandfather right, I mean you got the same boxes in you store room” Jay asked hoping he hadn't make a big mistake.

“Yes, sweetheart, that is my grandfather's work,” Jack replied “And I remember him making these, although I was only about 5 at the time. They're what sparked my interest in jewellery. If you'd searched a hundred years you couldn't have found a better present.” he slipped the smaller ring onto Jay's hand and the bigger one to his, they fit perfectly. “Could have been made for us,” Jack joked, “I love you baby.”

“Those are why I couldn’t tell you way I got sidetracked at the market.” Jay told him, as he remembering the spanking he got for not being where he was told to go. “It would of spoiled the surprise.” Jay told him as he sat back and looked into his lover’s eyes. “Can I play with this one some more?” Jay asked sliding his hand down to Jack crotch.

Jack grinned. It was going to be a very interesting Christmas.

The End

A Plan in the Making

By Jo and Carol.

Jackson, Jason and Billy

As Jay's eyes opened, he looked at the bed side clock, it read 6 am. ‘Why can’t I sleep in on the weekends,” Jay thought, as he flipped the blankets back, he slipped out from under Jack's arm, that pinned him to the bed. Making his way over to the bathroom, he did his morning things. His butt still hurt a little, grabbing the hand held mirror, Jay stood with his ass toward the wall mirror, and turned the hand held one, until he was able to see his ass in the mirror behind him, it was still a little red, and he could make out a few paddle imprints, but nothing that’s going to burst or last long.. ‘Yeah going to feel that for a few days,” Jay thought, as he put the mirror down, back on the sink, and grabbed a pair of boxers out of the linen cabinet

Making his way toward the kitchen, Jay turned on his lap top, and headed for the fridge. Opening it, he saw what he wanted, and grabbed the OJ, leaving just a swallow, so he wouldn’t be the one tossing it away. He put it back in, then went to make coffee for Jack, cause he was a total pain in the ass, with out his morning coffee. While the coffee was making Jay went back to his laptop, and signed onto his Yahoo messenger, to see if his friend DJ was on. ‘Damn nope no DJ.” Clicking on the name an IM came up, Jay quickly typed out, “Hey Brat, when you get this either call me on my cell or IM, need to ask you a favor, probably get us into some deep trouble, but it sounds like a blast. OK, thanks, Love Ya Jay.” reading it over a few times to make sure things were worded right, and spelled correctly. Seeing it was alright, he clicked send, he waited to see if DJ was playing hide and seek, getting no response, Jay turned off his lap top, just as Jack awoke with a growl..

“Do I smell coffee?” Jack asked, “You're a life saver,” he staggered out of bed, and kissed Jay soundly. Then made his way to the bathroom, and after emptying his bladder, and cleaning his teeth came out, and poured a black coffee, adding plenty of sugar. He took a deep sigh at the first sip. “I got bacon, cheese and mushrooms,” he said, to Jay, “Fancy an omelette for breakfast?”

Jay lowered his laptop screen, and got up “Sure why not?” Jay told him with a shrug of his shoulders. “I’ll make the toast.” Jay said, as he pulled the bread down from the cupboard. “So what kind of chores, does my Lord and Master have in mind for his humble servant to do today, while he is at the office?” Jay asked giving Jack a bow, with folded hand. ‘God, please tell me you going to the shop, for a few hours.’ Jay thought as he waited for answer.

Jack raised an eyebrow. “The windows need washing,” he said, casually. “Inside,” he added quickly, “The outside was done yesterday while you were at work.” Jack was busy cutting up the bacon and cheese, “Slice the mushroom will you, Baby,” Jack asked, getting some eggs out of the fridge. “I have to go pick up the truck from Mason's, then I need to do some shopping,” he said, throwing the egg carton into a box, he kept for the local kindergarten.

Jay face twisted a bit, “umm can I go with you when you go get the truck?” Jay asked while slicing the mushroom. “It won’t take long to wash the windows, I can do them when we get back” he said, as he popped a piece into his mouth. Jay gave him a grin “Or not”

“Oh they'll be done,” Jack replied, easily, deftly pouring the eggs into the pan. “Why would you want to come get the truck with me? Maybe the fact that Billy is there?” Jack teased gently, adding the bacon, cheese and mushroom to the pan. He flipped the omelette out, and divided it between the two plates. “Tuck in while it's hot,” he urged, tossing a soft cushion onto Jay's seat.

“No, just wanted to spend the day with you but,” Jay shrugged his shoulders as he took a bite,” but if you don’t want me around, I’ll do as you say” he said sitting softly, on the cushion. “Oh and we need OJ, get the stuff with the pulp in it this time, can you,” Jay demanded. Jay’s ears perked when he heard a dog bark. ‘Damnit DJ’s on.’ Jay thought, as he tried to wolf down his breakfast.

“I always want you around, sweetheart,” Jack replied, “but you get really bored, when I shop. That sounded like DJ on-line. I'll head off while you chat with her, and then when I get back we can spend some time together, washing windows.” Jack's eyes sparkled with laughter.

“Sounds like a ton of fun,” Jay said, as he got up an put his plate in the sink. Grabbing the cushion and tossing it on the sofa. Giving Jack a kiss good bye, Jay sat down at the computer.

SkaterJboi: Hey how my little girl doing this morning,” Jay asked

Skaterchick: Get fucked, If I can get in trouble I am all for it, what you want me to do?

Jay sat and typed out what Billy wanted, DJ, sent a few LOL, while Jay explained things to her. After a brief paused “Oh yeah, can you video it for him” Jay asked.

Skaterchick” Sound like a laugh, ok When (date) Where (address) Who (what’s moms name) yeah I can do it, cost you a case of the best and a dollar for the movie.

SkaterJboi: I’ll find out and send you the info.

After that was taken care of DJ and Jay caught up on things that had happened, since the last time they talked.

After signing off, Jay sighed, this was going to be funny as hell, Jay thought as he got up ‘shit backpack in the truck, can’t watch my movie, fuck,’ Jay thought, as he got up to find the pail, they used to wash the windows with. “This fucking sucks,” Jay yelled out, as he found his ICP CD, he cranked the music up, and started to mix the vinegar and water, to do the windows.

Billy looked out the window, and saw Jack at the truck. “Hey Jack, hold on a minute,” he yelled out, and walked outside. He moved a bit stiffly, he was going to be feeling Mason's paddling for the next couple of days. “I've been trying to ring Jay and he's not answering. Can you get him to ring me sometime today?” Billy's blue eyes were wide, innocent and Jack despite being a Top, fell for it.

“Sure,” Jack answered, assuming it had something to do with Jay's work schedule.

Jay was just finishing the last of the windows, when he saw Jack's truck pull up to the curb. Tossing the rag into the pail, Jay headed over to the stereo and turned it off, then grabbed his shoes, he slipped them on, as he headed down to help Jack unload the truck.

“Hi sweetheart,” Jack said, “The windows look great. You must have had the music up high, Billy has been trying to phone you most of the morning.” Jack laughed as he saw Jay turn around to head for the loft, and the phone. “Hey grab a bag,” Jack protested, “You'll save me two trips if you do.”

“Oh yeah,” Jay blushed, “That’s what I came down for.” he said, as he grabbed up one of the bags, by habit Jay nosed around it as he went up the stairs. “Did you happen to pick up some MD?” Jay knew no was coming, but he had to ask. “What did Billy want, did he say?” Jay asked, as he opened the door for Jack.

“You know better than that Brat,” Jack growled. “I never buy mountain dew, even if you want to build that MD Christmas tree. No, Billy didn't say what he wanted to talk about. I guess it must be something to do with that job offer. I have to go down to the shop, I have a lot to do before Christmas, so I may be late tonight.” Jack headed downstairs and became immersed in his work.

”Ass,” Jay sneered at the door, after it closed. Grabbing up the phone, he opened the window, sitting out on the fire escape, for the last two weeks it been the only way, he’d been able to get fresh air once he got home. Jay dialed Billy number. “Hi can I please speak to Billy,” Jay asked the person that answered the phone, not sure if it was Mason or Billy.

“It's Billy, is that you Jay? Are you safe to talk? Mason has gone to help his Mom in the deli. Just wondered how the snake plan is coming?”

“Yeah its safe, Jack's in the shop, DJ said yes, all I need is When, Where and Who. And what time you want the package delivered and what date?” Jay said, “DJ, can only get a garden snake, this time of year,” he added, “And it’s going to be recorded also. Maybe you can let your friend know what going on, so DJ will be able to make an escape fast, if anything goes wrong,” Jay told him.

“Great,” Billy said, “How about I come over? I can ring Johnno and find out when they're going to be home and give him a heads up. He won't spoil the surprise.”

“Yeah, come on over, see you in a few, Bye.” Jay told him, as he slipped back into the loft. He headed down stairs to grab his backpack out of the truck. On his way back, he went to his shop area, and grabbed two dews out of his stash, just in case, Billy may want one.

Billy turned up about 15 minutes later, a six pack of mountain dew in his hands. “Great minds think alike,” he laughed. when he saw the two cans sitting on the table. “I guess mountain dew better be on the shopping list for the garage. from now on.”

Billy frowned slightly. He'd wanted to go down to the garage and Mason had firmly vetoed the idea. It still rankled somewhat, but with his sore butt, he hadn't pushed the issue. The couple of swats Mason had given him to reinforce the decision had stung. It made him even more determined to follow the snake plan.

“You sure your friend's okay with this?” he asked Jay. “Hey I'm not doubting you or her but my parents don't tend to play fair, and my mother is terrified of snakes.” Billy's smile was pure evil.

“Yeah, DJ's all for it.” Jay said, as he set down a bowl of chicken salad and some crackers, “She’s already called me, texted me twice to find out if it was still go, she may have a King snake instead, I think a Gopher Snake is better cause they look somewhat like a rattle snake.” He told Billy, as he popped open a can with his teeth.

Billy grinned. “How about both, one for my darling mother, one for my bully of a father.” Billy took out his cellphone and sent a text message. “Now to wait for Johnno to get back to us. He's going to have to get DJ out safely and then collect the snakes, so they don't get hurt.” Billy's phone beeped and he scanned the text message. “Fucking hell,” he exploded “They've fucking fired him, he's working out his notice. He'll be more than happy to help with the plan.” Billy looked at Jay, “Can we arrange it for next Saturday?” he asked. “Johnno will help take photos, and make damn sure DJ gets away safe.” He took a mouthful of chicken salad, “Hey, this is really good.”

“Hold on,” Jay took out his phone, and typed in a message. “She will get back to us in a minute,” Jay got a silly grin across his face. “Too bad we can’t go and watch the fun ourselve,.” Jay told him. Jay picked up his phone and looked at the text, “Yeah, Saturday is a go.” Jay said, taking a bite of the salad. “Yeah Jack makes it for me so I wont eat junk food.” Jay said with a smile. “Speaking of I got some Ding dongs and Ho Hos” Jay got up, and went to the closet.

“Maybe he can pass the recipe onto Mason,” Billy replied “That way I might get out of eating that god awful salad.” He looked at Jay. “You do know if our Tops find out about this stunt, our butts are toast, don't you? Just giving you a chance to pull out if you want to. I'm personally going to be hiding all the wooden spoons we own.”

“Yeah, I’ll probably hide that damn paddle of his, and the thing he has in the closet.” Jay shivered, at the thought of getting another strapping. “But oh, well we’ll live.”

Jay IM DJ, and the plan was laid out, once the blue print was made, DJ informed them, she had to finalize it all before Saturday, she wanted to plan her escape route. Just in case something went wrong, she had a back up plan.

SkaterChick: I will get back to you either by IM or text. no later then Wednesday at 15 hundred hours. That’s 3 pm Jaybird.

SkaterJboi: Ok that’s fine Jack won’t be home.

After a brief conversation, DJ signed off, and Jay went into his files, and deleted the conversation.

“Ok, if all goes well she should mail out the DVD on Sunday, it should be here sometimes Tuesday or Wednesday,” Jay told Billy. “Oh I guess I should tell you that DJ and her family are all Private Investigators, so she knows what she doing,” Jay told Billy, to give him a little peace of mind.

“I got to work on Wednesday,” Billy said “And if I skip out to be with you, Mason will be asking questions. Nasty suspicious mind my Top has,” he grinned at Jay. “Any problems text me. You're coming to the garage Thursday right? I need to write up some advertising and if anyone asks that's why I came to see you. Mate, I really appreciate this.” Billy looked around and his eyes fell on Amie's aquarium. “Can I check out your snake? Unlike my parents I love them. I'm just not sure Thomas would be too impressed, if I got one.”

“Yeah sure, she friendly, I’m thinking of letting her get bred. A guy at the pet shop in Kelowna has a albino male, and he wants to see what we get” Jay told him taking Amie out of her aquarium. “Some guy was going to let her loose, so I took her.” Jay said, handing her over, so Billy could get a better look at her. “Yeah that’s a good plan to keep this business like, don’t want them to get any wiser.” Jay said with a silly grin.

“If we get really lucky, they won't get to hear about it,” Billy replied, letting Amie slide up his arm and across his shoulders. “She's cute,” he said as he carefully handed her back to Jay. “I'm just hoping my parents don't over-react. When I got into a fight at school, I got expelled and stuck in juvie for about a month on assault charges, before I got shipped off to my uncle.”

Jay took Amie back and put her back in her home, making sure the lid was closed tight. He turned to Billy. “I’ve been in Juvie once, Shane put me in it for the weekend, when he caught me high, and then when I got home he beat my ass black and blue, I was about fifteen I think.” Jay told him. “How come you got sent off,” Jay asked, being nosy.

“Like I said assault. I was at a boarding school and some of the town kids started picking on one of the 11 year olds. I stepped in, I was 14 and the kid couldn't fight for toffee, I put him in the hospital. The kid's parents pressed charges, so I ended up locked up. I think my parents in the end paid them off, and suddenly juvie was too crowded and I got shipped to my uncle who took a strap to me, until I couldn't walk, for a week.” Billy shrugged. “Old news, I got out, and found Mace.”

Jay let out a low whistle, “Wow, So what kind of stuff do you do for fun? I mean working on cars and stuff can be a blast but boring, do you skate, ride, bike, play games?” Jay asked, he was running out of things to say. “I’d show you the yard up on the roof , but I not allowed out of the loft, on the weekends and after 1pm on week days, but that will only be for a few more days,” Jay told him. “Well at least Jack didn’t make it a month like the last time. God was I bored out of my tree.” Jay mentioned, as he headed over to the fridge for dew, “You want one, or would you like a beer instead.” Jay asked him giving him, it don’t matter to me, look.

“Beer would be great,” Billy replied, glad to get off the subject of his background. “I bought the Dew for you. I don't really like the stuff. I guess I'm lucky my job is my hobby. When I'm not at work I tinker with other things. I want to super power Mason's stand mixer, but he says if I even touch it with a tool, he'll paddle me. Despite what we're planning at the moment, I don't go around asking for it.” Billy grinned. “I play some pool but Mason usually has me on a pretty short leash.”

Billy could see Jay was thinking something, as Jay got him the beer, Jay opened his mouth to say something, and then shut it shaking his head he laughed, “My sister-in-law used a 18volt cordless drill to mix cookie dough once. God was Shane ever pissed.” Jay told him. “Jack lets me do pretty much do as I want on my free time, as long as he knows where I am, stay out of trouble and I am home by dinner time.” Jay said, grabbing himself a beer, as well. Jay was not sure how Jack would react to him drinking this early in the afternoon, but one never knew until they do it. “Hey you want to watch movie, I got most the new one that’s, playing now” Jay asked

“Cool,” Billy replied, “I love the movies it the one thing I miss by being in Jade Heights. Mason's really strange, he once got a movie that you had to read to understand.” The two Brat's sat down and got lost in the movie.

“Yeah I don’t like those either, If I wanted to read the movie, I buy the book,” Jay told him.

Jack stomped upstairs in a bad mood. One of the pieces he was working on, was just not looking right, and he wanted to check his sketch. He was upset when he found out he'd left it upstairs on his work desk. It took him a minute to identify Billy reclining on the sofa with Jay next to him. He casually looked at the screen and his temper let loose “Jason, what the hell are you watching?” he roared.

Billy jumped almost ten feet in the air, and landed right on his butt. “Ouch,” he said, bouncing up. He looked at Jack and gulped. “Man, did that Top look pissed off.”

Jay jumped, dropped his beer, spun around and about wet his pants all in a split second after Jack's voice, boomed across the room and Billy was right, Jack did look pissed. Jay swallowed the lump in his throat. ”Humm, Twilight,” Jay mumbled, as he kicked the now empty can under the coffee table. ‘Hell why didn’t I put the chain on the door?” Jay thought as he looked at Jack.

'The bootlegged copy,” Jack said, in a dangerous voice. “Did I not make my opinion about that clear yesterday.?” Jack throttled down his anger. “Billy I suggest you leave, I want to have a discussion with Jason.”

Billy shuddered under Jack's gaze, and glanced at his fellow Brat sympathetically. He knew the full name was never good. “Yes sir,” he said, and almost crawled out.

“Clean up the spilled drink,” Jack ordered Jay. “I am not happy at the moment, so I suggest you stay quiet, and do what you're told.”

Jay seen that look once before, he knew Jack would never actually strike him, however he was not taking the chance. Jack was pissed off over something, Jay didn’t think the movie had anything to do with it, it just didn’t help matters. Jay grabbed his backpack off the sofa. Before Jack could grab him, Jay was out the door, he almost dragged Billy down the steps. Jay quickly went into the storage area and locked the door. “Come on I’ll show you out the back way.” Jay told Billy, as he headed toward the garage. “I’m going to stay up there until he cools off,” Jay pointed to an area in the rafters. Once Billy was gone Jay climbed up into a small closed in area that most of Jack decorations were kept. Which was not an easy task with one arm.

Jay sat on one of the old wooden boxes, and stuffed his backpack hind him. Jay closed his eyes tight. fighting back the tears.

“What the fuck ....?” Jack was dumbfounded as his Brat ran out of the loft. “Oh shit,” Jack sat down heavily, and put his head in his hands, “What had he done?” He'd taken his temper out on his beloved Brat. “No wonder he'd run with his past history.” He had a sudden idea, and rang Jay's cellphone, praying his Brat had it on him.”

Jay felt his backpack buzzing, slipping his hand into the side pocket. he pulled out the phone and glanced at it. Jackson danced across the screen, Jay thought about letting it go to voice mail, but figured he was already up to his neck in trouble. He cleared his throat as he flipped the phone open, “Yes, sir”.

“Oh thank God,” Jack's was relieved. “Jay, sweetheart all I can say is sorry. Please come home, I promise I'm not angry with you. I was pissed about something, and took it out on you. I can't say sorry enough. Please come home.”

Jay looked over the side of his little hide away, gulping. Getting up there was hard enough, but how hard is it to get down with out breaking his neck? “Be up in a few,” Jay told him, as he closed his cell phone. Jay crawled to the edge of the platform, then turned himself around so his legs were dangling off. If he had two good arms, he could do this, pulling himself back up. He grabbed up his cell phone, and pushed Jack's number. “ I’m in the garage,” Jay told his lover, in a very small voice “I’m hidden and can’t get down.” Jay said, with a hint of humour in his voice.

Jack took the steps two at a time. He looked up at the rafters and couldn't help a smile crossing his face. Lower yourself down, sweetheart,” he said, “I'll catch you, I promise, I won't let you fall.”

“Catch,” Jay said, tossing the backpack down toward Jack, once it was safe on the work bench, Jay let his leg slip over the side again, wiggling his way over the side when he felt Jack grab his legs, he let a worried breath out; it only took a few minutes for Jay to be down where he belongs and that was in Jack's strong arms.
“I didn’t mean to run, I just panicked, I guess,” Jay told his lover

“I'm sorry for scaring you.” Jack replied, kissing Jay. “I should never ever take my bad mood out on you.” He carried Jay back up to the loft and laid him on the bed. “The DVD goes back to it's owner tomorrow right?” he questioned, as he started nipping and sucking on Jay's body.

“Yes,” Jay said slowly undoing Jack's shirt. ‘even with one hand I still got it,” Jay thought, as he got the last button undone and started to work Jack's left nipple with his finger tips. Jay let his hand slid down Jack's body to his belt, as he slowly undid it. “Thought you had work to do?” Jay asked. Once Jack's pants were loosened it didn’t take long for Jay's hand to find what he was looking for. “Oh wow,” Jay gasped, as he gently stroked Jack's hard, hot, dripping cock. “umm Jack, umm, Oh, yeah, mmmm Yeah that’s the spot.” Jay murmured, as Jack found hot spots, on Jay’s body.

“Work can wait,” Jack mumbled, “Part of the joy of being the boss.”

He groaned as he felt Jay's good hand on his cock, while the fingers that stuck out of the cast worked on his nipple. He slipped out of his shirt and then got his hands to work, stroking Jay's chest, he ripped the t-shirt and began tweaking his nipples. He leaned over and ran his tongue down Jay's neck, and then bit down hard on the junction, between the neck and the shoulder. Then as Jay gasped in pain, licked the spot. His other hand slipped down Jay's pants, and he released his lover's cock.

Jay gasped loudly, when he felt Jack's teeth bite him, then he giggled when he felt Jack's tongue on his neck. Jay was about ready to cum, just from the foreplay. Jay had to tell himself ‘no, not yet’ a few times, Jay wiggled under Jack, “shorts, off, now,” Jay grunted. Jay matched Jack's strokes. Jay mouth soon replaced his fingers on Jack's nipple sucking it hard, then flicking his tongue across it, when Jack gasped Jay bit lightly, just enough to hurt, but not to leave marks, when he felt Jack's body jerk, he started to suck again.

“Who's the Top round here?” Jack growled, as he flipped Jay over. He quickly stripped Jay and then kicked off his own pants. Reaching over in grabbed some lube and slowly began to prepare his lover, first inserting one finger, then two and finally three, gently stretching him. He heard Jay keen, as he removed his fingers and leant over and whispered in his ear. “Do you want my big, hard, throbbing cock to fuck you now?”

“Yes.” Jay said as he spread his legs, so Jack could fuck him. His ass was still a little tender from the paddling, however, he was not going to let Jack know this. Getting fucked with a sore ass was a turn on for Jay. Jay wanted to hurry it along by pushing himself back toward Jack, but feared all activity would come to a stop if he did so, Jay let out a low moan, “Jack please just fuck me.” Jay whimpered into his pillow.

Jack didn't hesitate, and the two men fell into a rhythm, they'd established brought the most pleasure to both of them. Jack brushed his Brat's prostate, as he thrust in and then almost fully out, until thrusting fully in again. He felt his balls tighten, “Cum my love,” he ordered Jay, as he came hard.

When Jack hit Jay’s sweet spot, he saw stars. Jay bit down onto his pillow to keep form yelling out, as he came hard, soaking the sheets under him. Jay panted, as he collapsed onto the wet sheets, pulling Jack down with him, his body quivered from the climax, his breathing was hard, he could fell Jack's breath on this neck. Jay let out a sigh as he came down from the high. Stretching like a cat, he turned his face to look up at his lover. “Damn, Jack that was the best, yet,” he said, giving Jack a smile.

Jack smiled back at him, leant over, and kissed him. “Pretty damned good,” he replied. “Let's get cleaned up and I vote we snuggle up and watch a DVD. How about you get dressed, make some popcorn and grab a couple of drinks and I'll choose the DVD.” Jack pulled on some jeans, and bare chested made his way over to the DVD machine. He smiled lazily, as he turned on the screen, His eyebrows raised slightly, when he saw Jay had Mountain Dew, but made no comment.

“This DVD gets returned tomorrow,” he said, firmly “But while we've got it we might as well watch it.” He turned on Twilight.

The End.

Who's The Top?

By Jo and Carol

Jackson and Jason.

Jay lay quietly staring at the ceiling, once again he was awakened by a dream he wished he could forget, glancing at the clock it read four in the morning. Letting out a sigh he rolled over and snuggling close to Jack's warm, naked body Jay took a deep breath, breathing in Jack musk. Jay could feel himself growing harder with each breath he took in.

Jay's mouth found Jack's neck, kissing it so lightly, moving down the shoulder and then back up, as his fingers slowly stroked Jack's side moving so lightly down toward Jack's hips. Jay's finger slowly traced the under curve of Jack's ass cheek, Jay smiled as Jack shifted his leg allowing Jay's fingers to gently slip in between the two hot mounds of flesh. Jay's mouth found one of Jack's hot spots on his neck and shoulder Jay began to gently suck while his fingers gently caressed Jack's firm ass. Jay smiled to himself when a soft moan came to his ears.. Jay slowly moved to where he could butterfly kiss Jack's back, he gently kissed, licked and then nipped the cheek he could reach, then with the tip of his tongue, he slowly licked the crack.

Jack woke slowly to the wonderful sensation of his Brat stroking him. He couldn't hold in a moan when Jay caressed his ass and he grew hard as Jay started to lick him. Nowadays Jack topped exclusively, but in his past with his first lover he had been a switch. He knew Jay had experience of being a top, and Jack made a sudden decision. “Jay, would you like to cum in me?” he asked.

“Are you sure?” Jay asked, getting a slight nod and smile. “Ok stop me if you change your mind.” Jay said, as he continued the assault on Jack's ass. Jay noticed pre-cum on the end of Jack's dick. Wrapping his hand around the hard shaft, Jay easily stroked Jack until he was able to get enough pre-cum to use as lube. Jay moved Jack's leg so it was bent and he had better access to take Jack's mind off the small discomfort. Jay took Jack's hard cock into his mouth and slowly started to suck him.

Jack arched into Jay's mouth. “Oh God, baby, that feels so good,” he gasped. He just gave himself over to the sensation. He gasped as Jay stopped sucking his cock and slowly started to enter him. He hissed at the friction as Jay's cock breached the first ring of muscle. He’d forgotten how this felt. “Easy, baby,” he said. “It's been a while.”

Jay stopped when he felt the head pop through the tight ring and at Jack's hiss. He didn’t want to hurt his lover. Hell he was not even sure if Jack had ever bottomed before. When Jay felt Jack relax, he continued to enter only stopping when he felt Jack's ass hit his balls. Jay leaned over and took Jack's mouth into his, giving Jack the time he needed to get used to the fullness. Jay was in heaven when he got fucked by Jack, but hell this was even better. “God Jack, you're so tight,” Jay whispered into Jack's ear after he came up for air.

Jack laughed “Not a surprise,” he replied “It's been years since I've done this. I'd forgotten how good it feels.” He groaned, as Jay began to move in and out of him. “How did his Brat know exactly which spot to hit?” he wondered

Jay shifted a little, enough so he could take Jack's cock into his hand, even though he was on his hurt arm, he was able to shift his weight so he was not hurting, but never taking his lips off the one he loved. It didn’t take Jay long to get into a rhythm, that he and Jack enjoyed. Jay shifted his weight to hit the sweet spot inside Jack. The only thing they could hear was their own breathing, and the sound of two men making love. Jay felt his balls draw up, at the same time Jack's cock twitched. Jay began to move just a little faster, he came with a roar of Jack's name as Jack followed. Jay shifted once again, so he was able to stay in Jack a little longer, as he lay across Jack as he caught his breath. “I love you Jack,” Jay told him, as he felt himself slip out of Jack.

“That was fantastic,” Jack said, after getting his breath back. “I love you,” he said, leaning in and capturing his Brat's mouth.

Jay broke the kiss, and gave Jack a cockeyed grin he then moved down toward Jack's belly, licking the spilled cum off his lover's body, then taking Jack's semi soften cock into his mouth, he licked his lover tool clean. He gave Jack's hip a pat and got up padded into the bathroom for a warm face cloth, for a quick clean up. Jay then tossed the cloth into the hamper, and climbed into bed, with his lover curling as close as possible Jay laid his head on Jack's chest as he gently played with one of Jack's nipples. “Wow that was so awesome, you’re the best.” Jay told him, “thank you.”

You're not so bad yourself,” Jack replied, idly running his hand over his lover. He felt himself beginning to harden again. Sometimes he couldn't believe his recuperative powers, but with Jay as a lover he was glad. “Like me to repay the favour,” he asked with a feral grin.

Jay didn’t have to say anything. He just reached over and grabbed the lube from the nightstand. Handing it to Jack, “It warms up after a while,” Jay said with a sly smile.

“Don't worry, I'll make sure you're so hot, the cold lube won't matter,” Jack promised and proceeded to do just this. By the time he needed to use the lube, Jay was keening so loud with need, that Jack was glad, they were the only apartment in the building. He thrust in strongly making sure he hit Jay's prostate with every thrust. He began to stroke Jay's cock, “Don't cum until I tell you,” he ordered, whispering in Jay's ear.

“Yes sir,” Jay grunted, he was harder then he was before. Jay snuck his hand to grab his cock, only to have Jack grab it, and pin it to his side. Jay wiggled and shifted his ass “Oh so good, not going last.” Jay rambled. Jay could feel himself getting too close to back off he started to panic a little he wasn’t sure what Jack would do if he came with out permission. “Jack, need to, please.”

“Cum now, baby,” Jack said, as he felt his own release come over him. The two came simultaneously and collapsed. This time it was Jack who padded through to the bathroom to fetch a cloth to wipe them down. “Now we get back to sleep,” Jack said firmly looking at the clock. “You can catch about 20 minutes of sleep before you have to get up for work.” He grinned at Jay's moan.

The end

The Crash and Its' Aftermath

By Jo, Carol and Tarabeth

Jackson, Jason, Mason and Billy.

Jay thought there was one good thing about working at the post office. ‘Your TOP doesn't get to see what YOU got in the mail unless you want him to,' Jay thought as he dropped his credit card statement into a box that was in the storage area of his workstation. In addition to the credit card bill, Jay was hoping Jack wouldn't realize he had bought a new skateboard. Knowing he was grounded and had to by home by 12:30 sharp, he slid the box the board came in under his worktable, and headed up stairs to enjoy lunch with his favorite person, and hopefully a little fun.

"Jay," Kay yelled for him. Jay stopped on the stairs, and looked down over the rails at her. "Jack had to head out of town; he didn't say why. He just asked me to let you know he'd be back late tonight." She told him.

"Thanks Kay," Jay told her as he headed up to the loft. Once behind closed doors, he shouted, "Yeeessssssss," and jumped up and down. Now he could test ride his new board before Jack got home. He changed in to his skating clothes, and grabbed something to eat as he headed down to the storage area to grab the new board.

Jay did a few practice runs up and down the sidewalk, jumping over a trashcan, and a bench. The board handled like a dream. Jay headed over to the steps with the handrails; he bent his knees and grabbed the edge of the in board in one swift move. He was up, and then sliding down the handrails, but just as he went to jump the opening between rails, the board shifted under his feet. Jay flew through the air, landing first on his shoulder, and then sliding ten or twelve feet on his side, before his head stopped the slide, by hitting the cement flower box. Jay shouted in pain as he felt and heard a pop in his arm, and then again when he heard and felt the thunk of hitting his head. His world went black.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Captain Mason Monroe, Jade Heights fire captain and one of the small town’s two paramedics arrived by Jay’s side, as he was coming to. “Jay, Jason, this is Mason. Do you know where you are?”

Jay’s eyes opened then closed, he tried to shake his to get his bearings straight. He opened his eyes again and saw Mason staring at him, "On the ground dude." Jay told him as he tried to get up.

Mason placed his hands on either side of Jay's head, to hold it still. "Jay, I need you to lay still so I can check you out." Mason looked down into Jay's eyes, checking his pupils. He did a quick assessment noting that Jay's arm was fractured and bleeding.

Mason’s husband, Billy, arrived moments later with the fire captain’s first aid gear.

Mason opened his first aid kit and pulled on a pair of latex gloves, and grabbed his scissors. "Jay, I need to get a better look at your arm and shoulder, I'm going to cut open your shirt."

"No, it’s brand new dude, just pull it off." Jay told the big man, and he tried to pull the shirt off himself. "FUCK!" Jay yelled out as the pain hit him.

"Jason!" Mason's voice grew very stern. "I need you to lie still now, so you don’t injure yourself anymore. Do you understand me?"

Billy bit back a smile. "Better listen to him dude," he said, "He ain't kidding around."

"Just let me up so I can go home,” Jay demanded. Jay tried to fight Mason off, but stopped when he felt a wave of nausea. He closed his eyes tight and tried to roll onto his side. "Sick!" Jay said as he tried not to barf. Jay heard what the other guy had said and wanted to tell him to shut up but was to busy fighting off the fire captain at the moment.

Mason helped Jay onto his side. “Take slow breaths,” Mason instructed. Jay’s breathing returned to normal, and Mason ran soft circles on his back, until he was sure Jason wasn’t going to vomit, and then he rolled Jay onto his back. “Better?” Mason asked. He brought his voice down to a more calming tone. “Okay, sweetheart, I know you’re scared. I can’t let you go home, you’re going to have to go to the hospital. I’ll take good care of you until you get there. Now, why don’t I have Billy call Jack, and you be good and lay still for me while I finish checking you out?”

"What am I, a fucking telephone exchange?" Billy asked. "And he's not your fucking sweetheart I am." Billy paused. “Ok, grab his cell phone, and I'll call Jack."

‘Jack oh shit, grounded, no bike, or skate boarding, stay in the loft.' Jay had to think fast. "He's out of town. And I don't know when he'd be home." Jay told Mason. Jay licked his dry lips "And you can't take me if I don't want to go." Jay tried his best.

"You are correct, I can't take you if you don't want to go. But, if you aren't going to let me take you to the hospital for your own health, than I think you need to think of your partner. Jack loves you very much and he would be devastated if you had a bad head injury that you let go untreated. And whether he is out of town or not, he would want to know, and needs to know that you are hurt. Billy, please call Jack and tell him that Jay has had a skateboarding accident and needs to go to the hospital."

Jack picked up his mobile and smiled when he saw the caller id "Hi Jay," he said. He paused and listened to the answer "Billy?" He questioned, "Why have you got Jay's cell phone?" His face turned white. He heard his Brat yelling in the background, "Tell Jay from me to stop arguing with Mason and I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Hey prat," Billy said, "Jack says to calm down and listen to Mace. He'll be back as soon as he can."

"Fine, my medical, information’s in my wallet." Jay told him. "He's going to kill me," Jay mumbled out loud.

"He's not going to kill you, he loves you," Mason said. As Jay settled, Mason placed a bandage on his arm and secured it in a brace. "Thank you," Mason said to Jay.

Mason started an IV, and than began a more thorough examination of Jay. He ran his hands down Jay's body, examining his abdomen, hips and legs. "Okay Jay, I need to check out your back, I'm going to roll you over, this may hurt a bit."

Mason rolled Jay over, and discovered that Jay had ripped out the back of his jeans. His butt and upper thighs were pretty badly scratched. "Jay, honey, I'm going to cut your pants off. I need to get the material away from your abrasions."

"Cut my pants off." When that revelation cut through the fog in Jay’s brain, Jay reached up and grabbed a fist full of Mason's shirt and pulled him down. "Dude, nothing’s on under them," Jay whispered to Mason.

Mason gave Jay a sad smile. "Sorry kiddo, but I think you’d rather be embarrassed than have to deal with the ED staff trying to get your pants off if that blood clots. I'll just cut off what I need to, and I'll keep you covered in the front, okay?"

Jay let out a sigh. "Yeah alright, go ahead." Jay told him. He could still feel his ears burn, Jay heard a small giggle and turned his head to see Billy standing with the IV bag, and smiling. "What’re you laughing at?" Jay asked Billy.

"You, man. You're lying there with a busted arm and you're worried you don't have underpants on. Didn't you listen to your mother about wearing clean underpants in case you had to be taken to hospital?" Billy laughed, "Jeez it's not like you've got anything special."

"Fuck you asshole." Jay tried to give Billy the finger but it was difficult with one arm tied down to his chest, and the other one with an IV hanging out of it. "And my mom could hardly care less if I was alive or dead, say nothing about clean underpants." Jay snapped back.

Mason looked at Jay, and gave him a wink. "I'll bet you ten bucks, my husband's going commando."

"Lucky guess," Billy accused Mason.

Jay let out a laugh, but stopped because it made his arm hurt. "Why couldn't you find Winnie the Pooh Underoos for him?” Jay asked with a smiled.

"Fuck you man," Billy replied. "You interrupted a great picnic with your fucking accident. Bloody show-off."

Mason reached over and applied a firm swat to Billy's butt. "I don't want to hear one more word from you, unless I give you permission to speak."

Mason reached into his bag and withdrew a vial and syringe from his bag. As Jay began to laugh at Billy, Mason swabbed Jay's hip and injected the painkiller. "That goes for you too, Jason. I don't think Jack would be very thrilled with your behaviour today. So, from now on you are both are going to do EXACTLY as I say. There will be no arguments!"

Jay looked at Billy, and then to Mason, he did wonder how help got there so fast. "Sorry." Jay told him.

"Owww! You're not..." Jay stop short he didn't like the look he was getting "Fine," Jay snapped. 'Do they take a class on giving that look,' Jay thought as the medication started to work.

Jay struggled through Mason’s poking and prodding, but was eventually settled and covered by a blanket.

"Okay, Jay it shouldn't be too much longer before we can get you to the hospital. How's your stomach feeling? Are you still feeling nauseous?" Mason asked.

"Yeah it's fine for now," Jay told him. When Mason went to stand up Jay grabbed his hand and pulled him down. "Umm, Mason can you go with me, please? And stay until Jack gets back, ‘cause I don't like hospitals?" Jay asked giving Mason a scared look and a weak smile.

Mason brushed Jay's hair out of his eyes. "Of course I will, honey. I've got the day off, so I can stay with you as long as you need. Jack’s a good friend, and I wouldn't want him to worry that you were all alone. Jay, did Jack ever tell you about the time I was baby-sitting him, and he put a snake in the mail box to scare our mail lady?"

Mason smiled at Jay's purring. "I'm glad that shot is doing some good, kiddo. Hmmm, let's see, Jackson must have been about twelve. That boy was hell on wheels, and not very happy that his parents were still calling me to come sit with him. I was eighteen, and one of the few people in town who could keep up with him, let alone catch him. So his parents hired me quite a bit, and because of your partner's rambunctious nature, I was given full reign to discipline him."

"Well, Jack had recently gotten in trouble with his parents, because the mail lady had caught him mooning cars coming into town, and she told his mother. Jack's mother made sure that if Jack decided to show his butt off again, he would be showing off a bright red well spanked bottom."

"Yeah his mom is something else, she smacked him just for being on my bike." Jay gave Mason a sweet smile, and without thinking he gave the back of Mason hand a gentle rub. Jay let out a yawn, "No, don't stop that feels nice." Jay said through half closed eyes, when Mason stopped rubbing his head.

Mason resumed smoothing the hair off Jay’s forehead as he continued with the story. “So sweet Jackson McCallum, the devil child, decided to get back at the postal carrier. He had decided he was more likely to get away with his plan when I was watching him, because his mother had been watching him like a hawk.

“Jack asked if we could play basketball in the front yard. I of course said yes, because any type of activity that might wear down some of that boy’s energy was a good thing. At some point during the game, Jack said he needed some water, and asked me to go get if for him. I don’t know how I fell for it, but I traipsed into the house and came back out with a glass of water for him. About five minutes later the mail lady appeared, as she opened the mailbox, Jack’s corn snake came slithering out. She screamed and threw her mail sack in the air. Letters and magazines flew all over the yard, and Jack fell to the ground laughing.

“I picked Jack up off the ground by his ear, landed a swat to his butt, and sent him over to help retrieve all the mail. Once the three of us had the yard cleaned up, I made Jack issue an apology, before I took him in the house and paddled his bare butt with a wooden spoon.”

"Wow my Jack was a total brat as a kid huh?" Jay giggled. "We have a snake her name is Amie." Jay told Mason. Jay licked his dry lips. "Thirsty," Jay told him.

"Hands off, He's my husband not your play toy," Billy hissed.

"Huh?" Jay was a little confused he had no ideal he's been playing with Mason hand.

Mason bent down to Jay. "I'm sorry you're thirsty, honey, but I don't know how bad your arm is, they may need to do surgery, and if so we need to keep your belly clear."

Mason helped Craig move Jay onto the stretcher, and loaded into the ambulance. "Jay, I'm not going anywhere. I promised you I'd stay. Thank you for you kind offer, but Billy had to get back to work anyway. I'll make it up to Billy this evening." Mason ran his hand through Jay's hair. "Now when we get to the hospital there are going to be a lot of people poking and prodding, I'll stay with you and describe everything they're doing, okay?"

Jay closed his eye's to fight back the tears that tried to escape, by shaking his head he was able to clear the medicated fog he was in. "OK, could you call Jack again to find out how much longer he's going to be? Pleeeeease." Jay whined.

Mason noticed the forming of tears, being in an ambulance was often an overwhelming experience. "Of course I'll call him," Mason assured. Mason took Jay's cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Jack's number.

Jack was driving hell for leather keeping his eyes open for any traffic cops that may be patrolling. His frustration with a wasted trip, had disappeared with the worry he felt for Jay.

The only thing he felt good about was that Mason was with his Jay. He just hoped Mason wasn't telling too many tales of his childhood. Jack grinned wryly; he'd been a little hellion. Hard experiences while traveling had calmed him right down.

Jack had a hands free cell phone set up in his car. "Hello Jack speaking, is that you Jay?" he asked. He listened for a minute to the reply. "Hi, Mace," he replied, "I'm about 30 minutes away. Are you taking him to the local hospital? Tell him to hold on I'll be there as soon as I can. I really appreciate you being there for him."

"He'll meet you at the hospital in about thirty minutes, so not much longer," Mason said, as he continued to smooth Jay's hair off his forehead.

“Jack I love you, drive safe," Jay yelled out when he heard Jack's voice. "Please don't be mad." Jay whispered then bit his lower lip to stop it from quivering. He knew he was going to get a sound scolding and much more when Jack got to his side.

Mason took the phone away from ear and held it for Jay.

"Baby I'm not angry at you. Just worried," Jack replied. "Relax Baby let Mason look after you. He's the best. He can even tell you about the snake and the mailwoman to keep you entertained."

Jay laughed. "Yeah I can't believe you did that." Jay told him. "Mason says my arm is broken, but I don't feel it like; I did last time, and it the same one." Jay told him as he watch Mason trying to figure out what he was doing with that needle. "Humm, Jack tell Mason no needles he won't listen to me."

Mason took the phone away from Jay's ear, after he said goodbye, and wiped a tear off of Jay's cheek. "It's going to be okay; Jack loves you. He won't kill you, and luckily for you your butt isn't going to be in any condition for a spanking anytime soon. Now, we're just pulling into the hospital."

Mason held Jay's hand for as much of the time that he could while the ED team examined him. Jay was just being taken away to x-ray when Jack arrived.

"Baby," Jack rushed over to his Brat "I'll be right here when you get back from X-ray. I love you sweetheart," he said softly kissing Jay's forehead gently. As they wheeled Jay away, Jack turned to Mason. "What happened?" he asked "Is he going to be ok?"

"He'll be fine," Mason said, giving Jackson a reassuring hug. "We'll have a much better idea of what kind of treatment he'll need when he gets back from x-ray." Mason's voice turned sterner, "Jackson I told you that boy was hell on wheels. He was jumping the stair railing at the park, and lost control of his board. Luckily, he had his helmet on, or it would have been much worse. He landed on his arm, slid through the gravel and has some nasty road rash on his butt and upper thighs, and got a pretty bad wallop to his head."

Jack stiffened, then relaxed. "Hell Mason, the Brat was grounded. There is no way I could have foreseen this. As for skateboarding injuries, I remember a few times you drove me to this same place, after coming off." Jack's smile was one of his best.

Mason shook his head at Jack. "I'm tempted to see about talking the Mayor into installing some of those handrails that prevent skateboarders from these types of accidents." He laughed when Jack told him he was becoming a boring old man.

"The kid was grounded, huh?" Mason asked Jackson. "Go, easy on him. His butt's pretty torn up, he's not going to be a very happy camper for a while. Come on let's go sit down. They'll come and get us when he's done in x-ray."

"I'll go easy on him," Jack replied "I'd never punish him when he's hurt. I think he's probably punished himself enough, although he won't believe it. He's been in an abusive relationship, and his family is pretty rough, so I have to be careful I don't bring up any bad memories. It can be a tricky line to walk." Jack had always felt comfortable talking to Mason.

As a nurse came through the swinging doors Jack and Mason heard." Jack tell this Stupid Son of a Bitch to give me back my shoes." Jay yelled all the way down the hall.

"The dulcet tone of my Brat," Jack joked to Mason, his eyes twinkling.

"And such sweet tones they are," Mason teased, and he and Jack laughed together.

"I will need to leave shortly Jack, but I would really like to know what showed up on Jay's x-rays, and see what treatment his doctors recommend. My own beautiful little Brat had quite a difficult afternoon watching me care for Jay. I could see him turning green with jealousy more and more each minute, but I couldn't abandon Jay to go back and picnic with Billy. I'm hoping that a night of spoiling and reaffirming his place in my heart may resolve the situation, otherwise your Brat is not going to be the only one suffering a sore bottom as the result of his skateboarding accident."

Mason felt his phone vibrating. "Speak of the devil," Mason said.
He looked at the text and frowned. "Go ahead and tend to Jay, I'm going to text Billy back, and then I'll come see what the x-rays showed and say my goodbyes."

"Jack, Jay's been asking for you." A nurse told them as she stood with the swinging doors open, so he could follow her into the examination room. She pointed to the room Jay was in.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"I don't want to talk about it." Jay said. Jack could see someone in a suite talking to Jay. Jay was laying in fetal position on the bed, his arm in a sling, his eyes darted back and forth, he was chewing on his bottom lip, every few seconds his foot would jerk, a sign of nervousness, and a sure sign that he was about ready to bolt, naked or not. "You have many old fractures, many not attended to, properly." The man said. "And they were not done by skate boarding, motorcycles accidents or simple falls." The man told him. "You've been in and out of ER rooms since the age of five …. "

Can you go find Jack for me, please?" Jay asked cutting man off in mid sentence.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Jack got up and headed down the hall. He saw his Brat on the hospital gurney having already been x-rayed. "What's going on in here?" Jack asked moving to Jay's side, all his protective instincts firing up.

"Hi I'm Mr McNutt, I am a social worker here Mr. Copeland's file came up with a red flag on it so I have to investigate his injuries.” Mr. McNutt said as he held out his hand.

"Jack make him go away, please." Jay demanded.

"Settle down, baby," Jack ordered Jay gently. "Mr. McNutt this can be sorted out very quickly. My partner came off his skateboard," Jack saw the social worker open his mouth and held up his hand to forestall any comment. He raised his voice "Mason, could you please come in here and tell this social worker what you witnessed earlier today."

Mason had heard the goings on, and entered the room, giving a very stern look at the Social Worker. "It's fine Toby, my partner and I witnessed the skateboarding accident. I brought Jason in. I can vouch for both Jason and his partner. Those injuries all happened before he was with Jackson."

Mason turned his attention to Jack and Jay. "The doctor says it's a bad break, but it won't need surgery. They would like to keep Jay over night because of the head injury. Jack, they'll bring a cot into his room for you."

Mason gave Jack a hug. He squeezed Jay's hand and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. "Jason, I recommend you behave for the nurses." Mason winked at the nurse. "They just love to whip out their rectal thermometers for naughty young men with cut butts."

Mason gave a wave and laugh as he heard Jay whining to Jack, "They wouldn't really would they Jack?"

"Only if you complain too much," Jack said, laughing. He looked at his lover tenderly. "I can't wait to take you home and spoil you," he said.
Jay watched Jack walk Mason out into the hall. After the door softly shut behind them Jay laid back in bed more or less on his hip. With the room being quiet and his arm having a dull throb in it Jay's mind started to reply to the events that happen that afternoon. When Jack walked back into the room Jay look up at him and burst into tears. "I'm sorry, don't be mad, I was going to be back before you got home. How dare you tell Mason you spank me!" Jay said in a loud whisper as he tried to hit Jack with a pillow.

"I didn't have to tell him. He's known me since I was little, he was one of the first people I came out to. He explained what a DP was, and how it worked from his experience, when my first boyfriend suggested one. It's pretty obvious you and I are Top and Brat just as he and Billy are.""Oh Ok," Jay told him as Jack sat beside him on the bed. "Can't I just sign myself out so we can go home? I really don't want to stay here." Jay told Jack. "I don't like hospital and the food is just plain nasty." Jay said just as they brought dinner into to him.
"No," Jack said firmly "You are staying in until the doctor says it's okay for you to leave and they're keeping you in for observation so here you stay." Jack stretched out on the cot bed they'd set up for me and hid a grimace. This was not going to be a comfortable night. "I'll stay right here beside you," he promised

Jay gave out a huff and snort it was his way to tell Jack he was not happy about it. "Fine." Jay snapped and pushed his bed table back away from him, causing the try to slid off and crash to the floor. Jay's eyebrows shoot up in shock "oh sssshit" He whispered glancing over at Jack, not liking the look on Jack's face. "Hide" Jay said as he grabbed the sheet and pulled it over his head.

Jack laughed, he couldn't help it. "It was an accident, baby," he said "And even if it wasn't, you're too hurt to be spanked for a flash of temper. In fact, I guess this one time you're entitled." Jack popped out and requested a mop and bucket. An orderly came in and cleaned up and another tray was brought in plus one for Jack. "Eat," he ordered his Brat, "It's not too bad, and you need food in your stomach." This time he gave the look that could stop complaints in their tracks.

Jay's face twisted a little, and then he took a bite of food stopping himself from gagging on it. "Fine but you owe me Chicken salad." Jay informed Jack.
Once dinner was done, and the nightly bathroom issues was finished, night time vitals, pain meds, and a fresh dressing on the backside the nurse left the two men alone. Jay slid close as he could to the one rail of the bed Jay patted the bed beside him. "Jack lay with me until I go to sleep ok, please." Jay asked with a need to be cuddled.

Jack looked at the hospital bed. "Baby this bed is not made for two," he said, he reached out and took hold of his Brat's hand. "I'll be right here, while you go to sleep."

Jay took Jack's hand and pulled it to his face, giving it a light kiss. He shook his head, "Man,I really screwed up this time, this is the first time we've slept alone since I moved in with you." Jay said, as a tear slipped down his cheek. "Maybe, I am more trouble them I am worth." Jay mumbled out as he settled into the bed with out Jack.
My poor Brat," Jack cooed, "You must be hallucinating. " His voice lowered "Baby, you will never be too much trouble for me. You are my lover, partner and I love you and always will. When we get home tomorrow, I'll cuddle with you all day." Jack watched his Brat drift off to sleep, knowing it was only a brief respite. His Brat would be woken up hourly and his vitals taken, to make sure his head injury was not more serious than mild concussion. It was going to be a long night.
And a long night it was if Jack was not awakened by the nurse checking up on Jay, it was the groans of that came from Jay that caused Jack eyes to open. "What do you mean that he won't be in here until later on today? That's just fucking stupid; I want to go home NOW." Jay had his back pressed against the head of the bed, arms crossed, knees pulled up to take the pressure off his lower half, and scowled his cheeks puffing in and out. Jay absentmindedly tugged at the IV site.

"Jason," Jack rumbled "Apologise to the nurse now and stop playing with the IV. You will stay here until the doctor discharges you. That is non-negotiable. I know you're hurting but that's no excuse." Jack just looked at Jason. He leaned over and whispered in Jay's ear "The motorcycle can easily be shipped back to Shane, if you push me any further little boy."
Jays arm dropped back to his side, legs relaxing a little. "I'm sorry," Jay told the nurse. "I didn't mean to be rude or snap at you." Giving her his best lost child look. "It's ok love, I understand it can be frustrating." The nurse told him as she checked his IV. After making sure his lower half was alright she patted his hip and left the two men alone.
"You wouldn't really would you?" Jay asked.

"Probably not," Jack admitted. "But I can and will lock it away, for as long as I feel is appropriate. With the injuries you've got I doubt you'll want to ride on it for the next month or so. Anyway you can't for two weeks anyway." Jack grinned at his Brat's downcast face, "Oh yes, you're still grounded. You are just lucky, I feel you've punished yourself enough, for breaking the grounding this time."
“Yeah, you are right. I won't be able too ride for at least 6 weeks with a cast on. Well I could, but I don't think you would allow it." Jay told him. Just before lunch the Doctor came in with the orders to rest, no heavy lifting, and on Monday he could return to work. The Doctor handed Jack three prescriptions, one a pain killer, antibiotic cream, and one for calcium. "And you need to follow up with your own doctor in a few days to see how your arm is doing," the Doctor told him. "Now the nurse will be in here soon to remove your IV and then you can go home," the Doctor said "Not without pants or shirt! I'm not" Jay told Jack, who rolled his eyes. "Oh could you bring my Mountain Dew sleep set please?," Jay asked giving the wide eyes and innocent look.
Jack just looked at him "You've got that right," he said. He turned to the nurse after the doctor left. "I don't suppose you've got anything to cover my partner's lack of clothes?" he asked. "Rather than me having to go home and then return, I know he's eager to get out of here." Jason ended up in a set of hospital scrubs and was wheeled to the front entrance. Jack picked him up gently and placed him in the car. "I'll stop and pick up the prescriptions then we'll go home," he told Jason.

Jay was not too happy about wearing scrubs home but decided to keep his mouth shut. Once in the truck Jay shifted his weight so most of it was on his hip and not his battered backside. As they pulled up to the drug store Jay could see Zach helping an older man. "I'll stay in the truck." Jay said as Jack got out. "I don't think he likes me much." Jay said, when he got a strange look from Jack.

"What have you done that would upset Zach? Jack asked, curiously.

"Nothing but every time I go in there he watches me and just shakes his head." Jay told him. "Try not to take to long ok, 'cause my butt's starting to itch again." Jay told him as he scratched his thigh.

Jack sighed, "Sometimes baby you are a little over sensitive," he said. "I'll get the prescription done now." He entered the shop, smiled easily at Zach and handed over the prescription. He took out his cell phone and wasn't hugely surprised that Mason's phone went straight to voicemail. He left a brief message informing his former babysitter, that Jay had been released from hospital with a clean bill of health.He was given the prescription and drove home. He carried Jay up to the apartment, placed him carefully on the bed face down and got out the cream. He carefully applied the cream to the scrapes. "Okay baby. I'll make a sandwich and you can take your painkillers," Jack said cheerfully.

"Hey can you call Mason and ask him to bring Billy over when he brings my board home, I need to apologise to him for some reason he thinks I was after Mason, why I don't know that man scares me."

"Mason is a pussycat," Jack said laughing "Unless you're making trouble." Jack thought for a moment. "I'm not sure inviting Billy over is a good idea. I'm not sure he'd be very receptive to anything you say just at the moment."

"Fine, if he wants to be an ass." Jay said pulling Jack's pillow under his head. "Like I knew him and Mason was having a picnic in the park. Besides he needs to get over himself and I have you why would I want to even look at another guy. So I cuddled into Mason's hand hell it was a distraction from the pain in my arm." Jay rattled on not realizing he really wasn't making much sense.

Jack's heart swelled at Jay's statement. "Sweet talker," he said gently, kissing his young Brat. He dug into his fridge, found some chicken salad and grinned. He made up a plate, grabbed a glass of water and Jay's pain meds. He got into bed next to his Brat and gently sat him on his knee, making sure his Brat's sore butt did not make contact with anything. A position they often found themselves in after a spanking. "Better?" he asked Jay, softly.
"Much" Jay said with as he snuggled closer to the man he loved giving him a kiss on his jaw. When Jack handed him his meds and water Jay face twisted he hated taking pain pills they always made him feel high, and water was just plain nasty. "It says to take with food," Jay told Jack as he put the pill on the night stand. "Let me eat a little first alright." Jay asked when he got the ok from Jack he dug into his lunch, not even a crumb was left. After Jay was finish eating he stretched out laying his head on Jack's shoulder "So, ummm, beside me still being grounded, ummm how are we going to put my little screw up behind us." Jay asked as he looked up.

Jack handed him the pain meds, and watched as Jay took them. "I think you've punished yourself enough over this," he said, quietly. "So I think apart from the grounding, it's over." He gently kissed Jay, "Now I think it's time you got some sleep and I ring down to Kay and say I won't be down today." By the time Jack had finished with Kay, his Brat was asleep, in his Mountain Dew sleep set. Jack curled in behind him and dropped off to sleep.

The End